To further what canuck_in_uk and jeffporfirio just said, here is the actual "interpretation" from IRPA (See: ):rayearth said:Hi
Just want to know if my son is included on the count if I submit my mom sponsorship this January 2017? because my wife gave birth recently this October 2016 and the coverage on the financial evaluation is 2013, 2014, and 2015. Thanks
minimum necessary income means the amount identified, in the most recent edition of the publication concerning low income cut-offs that is published annually by Statistics Canada under the Statistics Act, for urban areas of residence of 500,000 persons or more as the minimum amount of before-tax annual income necessary to support a group of persons equal in number to the total number of the following persons:
(a) a sponsor and their family members,
(b) the sponsored foreign national, and their family members, whether they are accompanying the foreign national or not, and
(c) every other person, and their family members,
(i) in respect of whom the sponsor has given or co-signed an undertaking that is still in effect, and
(ii) in respect of whom the sponsor’s spouse or common-law partner has given or co-signed an undertaking that is still in effect, if the sponsor’s spouse or common-law partner has co-signed with the sponsor the undertaking in respect of the foreign national referred to in paragraph (b). (revenu vital minimum)
This is the directive how to interpret this. Therefore, it doesn't say anything about adjusting based on family composition changes. Therefore, the sponsor will be assessed based on the total number of persons at the time of application in their family.