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Finally "THE END"- share your stories on RQ processing and dealing with CIC


Full Member
Aug 15, 2013
Job Offer........
I started this new subject only to share experiences on RQ processing with CIC. This is for education purposes only, every situations are different so do CIC offices and officers.
My family applied for citizenship in 10/2010 has only one travel entry for 2 weeks when we got US green card- but living in Canada. We declared that in application.
My husband got finger print request in 10/2012 which he fulfilled in time.
Test in 07/2012 came 2 weeks before our test scheduled date.
We got CIC's world famous RQ [post test] in 09/2012 right before applied for PR renew, [by the way PR card service was prompt got new cards in 60 days well under online timeline].
-We only send documents were asked in RQ i.e.
-4 years of tax assessment,
-school records as well as certificates from and for work,
-a bank letter that has all of us names on it and
-rental agreements for all 4 years.
--didn't sent documents i.e. bankcard/credit bills,- Instead send rent tax credit forms,
--didn't order medical history- Instead sent records of immunizations only ones got here in Canada,
--did not order CBSA records nor sent flight itinerary,
--I made complete copy of our RQ with all documents in same order we sent it. While crossing border once we asked to fill out RQ again, used my old form to recheck dates. [when officer learnt that he didn't file it- one more thing I learn not all border officers understand all RQ and PR obligations so they do make you fill out RQ]
--Got a tracking number, delivery confirmation for RQ - later on I was told by call center agent they never got my RQ and I sent them a copy of conformation.
--My husband got second test invitation on 06/2014
-- there was no e cas changes since our test 07/2012 then CIC add oath date, 3 days after we got invitation letter
And finally our oath was on 07/14. We are finally Canadian ;D.
Good Luck to all of you!!!
I just wanted to share mine to be helpful to people that could be in similar situation to mine.

"If you will pump long enough, hard enough, and enthusiastically enough, sooner or later the effort will bring forth the reward." - Zig Ziglar


Hero Member
Jul 30, 2014
So basically you waited 4 years (almost) because CIC didn't receive the RQ that you submitted?


Full Member
Aug 15, 2013
Job Offer........
I don't know if that was reason for sure, I never got CIC's answer for that matter. I send copy of conformation which has a name and signature of receiver with an enquiry latter . They never bother to call me or contact me. But after that every time I called they say its under process for RQ which may take up to 36 month.


Hero Member
Jul 30, 2014
You are very kind that after you get your oath, you still want to come back here to share your experience. Everybody is so afraid to meet the condition like you did. I heard most applicants from South Asian and Middle east would have problem like yours, because many from this region were trying to cheat the system, so CIC pays extra attention. But anyway, you have gotten what you want, don't look back and move on forward. Since the waiting was too long, I guess you didn't have that special feeling anymore when you got it. Congratulation.


Star Member
Aug 15, 2010
What a sigh of relief for you and added hope for all of us being processed through Winnipeg.

This is our Time line.
Applied in Feb 2013
Started processing in April 2013
RQ requested November 2013 as per gcms notes but actually received them in January 2014 after phoning call center several times to forward them.
Returned RQ to Winnipeg January, 15 2014
Nothing since.

My husband is a long haul truck driver and trucks through Canada and the bulk of his freight goes to the U.S.A. Other than that he has never left the country. So you could imagine photo-stating all his log sheets for four years etc.

It is hard to find a feeling of how long it could still take as there are not many/ or any applicants in the same time frame with an RQ such as us from Winnipeg.


Full Member
Aug 15, 2013
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reynettevos:- It was a big relief for me and my family. I feel Winnipeg CIC is following other CIC offices for faster processing . there are more ceremonies every month. There was a test and a ceremony in am and a ceremony in pm the day we had ours. Hope you get yours soon!

BLT:-What is your timeline? Did you get RQ?


Star Member
Aug 15, 2010
This is a family application and only my husband was RQ'ed.
We have to all wait together and I would not want it any other way.
We came to Canada as a family and we will certainly take the Oath proudly together.


Full Member
Aug 15, 2013
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Only my husband got fingerprint from my family and officer told him its most likely to reduce confusion of similar names. Did your husband had travels during your eligible period? My husband had lost of travel after his eligible period . On his second test she asked him about travel but didn’t put on the book.


Full Member
Aug 15, 2013
Job Offer........
I feel CIC is more thoroughly checking on travels, but if he has all in your application you will be fine.