Thanks guys. Here's a bit of info about the interview. It's basically the same with a's experience and I'd bet we got the same IO who've interviewed us. I did notice that she received all the Filipino applicants for that morning.

I'd just give the tips so that'll be short and sweet.
1) Memorize the common values of Quebec. I don't have to tell you where to find this because you'll surely see this when you apply for the CSQ

2) Read Apprendre le Quebec. I've downloaded the English version (Learning about Quebec)of this pdf file a year ago together with my application. And thank God he gave me the sense to read every single page of it. I'd say ALL the questions that were asked about Quebec were answered by all the details here in this book. Just think about it. They've took the time, money and resources to publish and post the link on the Immigration Quebec website so they'd probably EXPECT you to read this book. In fact, after the interview they'll give you a printed book (in french). Here's the link (in english).
3) Try your best to understand and answer the IO's french questions and answer it in french but if you can't answer in french, at least answer it in english so that she'd still have the idea that you understood the questions. Never mind if you think your grammar is wrong or you can only answer in phrases. The most important thing is that the IO can see that you are TRYING. I know I've answered all the IO's questions properly (even the status of my unemployment for almost a year) but she told me in the end that I was a very good candidate because I've answered all her questions and I've tried to answer her questions in french and I did my research.
4) I THINK (this is a disclaimer) that you have to answer for the use of an immigration agency or lawyer. They'll keep on probing if you're not too confident about this. She asked me on three separate times if ever I had help in filling up the forms. She kept on asking how I managed to fill up the DCS and who helped me. I told her the truth: I had no help filling up the forms and everything she found there, whether wrong or right, were all answered and written by me.
5) This is just me again but try to relax and have a positive attitude about the interview. Smile even though you can see that the IO's frown is is not turning the other way around. I wish I'm wrong but the woman who was interviewed before me came out of the room with her eyes red. I never had the time to ask her if she passed because she just went out immediately of the office. I knew she was crying but it wasn't tears of joy or ecstasy. After I saw her got out of the door I told myself I was f*cked! The IO was still frowning when I was called at the office and she raised her voice when she saw that I had 0 french knowledge checked on the application. Eventually though she asked a few random questions in french and I was able to answer most of them in french too. Some questions were about personal information on the application forms so that was already a given if you're studying very basic french.
30 minutes to the interview though she told me she'll accept me as a Quebec Skilled Worker. She flashed a smile and then told me to wait for her to give me my CSQ and some information persons to contact regarding my job search in Montreal. I hope this helps. Good morning guys!