to wife (although not the principal) opted to write a letter explaining why she cannot provide the business card as part of the application pack. she mentioned there that this may jeopardize any training plans that she might be receiving if company is made aware of our plans at too early a stage. so far we have done our medicals and her boss has not mentioned any background checking done for her.nano24482 said:I am really tensed.My file is showing 'in Process' which means my boss will get a verification call soon. But its apprisal time in my company and I do not wish to disclose this to my boss.
Getting a business card was too much.
tarakrs said:IN PROCESS
God tussi great ho.... the more i believe you, more reasons you're making for me to believe more n more in you
Thanks a lot rahmanali.rhmanalili said:to wife (although not the principal) opted to write a letter explaining why she cannot provide the business card as part of the application pack. she mentioned there that this may jeopardize any training plans that she might be receiving if company is made aware of our plans at too early a stage. so far we have done our medicals and her boss has not mentioned any background checking done for her.
tarakrs said:IN PROCESS
God tussi great ho.... the more i believe you, more reasons you're making for me to believe more n more in you
Dear All- I have got my status changed to In process as well but as in Taraks case no detailed Ecas.. tried login into Ecas but it is down now... my heart is in my mouth...dont know what to do.. God pls help.. friends pls Pray... ???ankit_20 said:@ tarakrs
Congrats. The detailed ECAS will change soon as well
I am going CrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyySJSM said:Dear All- I have got my status changed to In process as well but as in Taraks case no detailed Ecas.. tried login into Ecas but it is down now... my heart is in my mouth...dont know what to do.. God pls help.. friends pls Pray... ???
Thanks buddy..lets hope sosingh092120 said:@ sjsm
have patience my dear friend,
It will change soon.
Thanks for empathazing.. I really need it. I am feeling like resigning and going out for la la la... But am hanging by the I am not sure of anything.... :'(nano24482 said:@ sjsm
I can understand what you are going through.