svs said:
congrats shockabsorber.... mail means in the email or post .
svs....I got it by post.
They had a letter, some instructions and a form that I had to give to my DMP.
The DMP made me fill out a questionnaire asking about my medical history, measure my height, weight, blood pressure, took a chest X-ray, some samples of my blood and urine and did a simple eye exam to see if I could read a chart with my corrective lenses on.
According to the form they gave me, they do a Urinalysis for proteins, glucose, blood & serum creatinine levels, Blood test for Hepatitis B, HIV and Syphillis. In the chest x-ray they look for any problems with skeletal & soft tissue, great vessel & heart shadows, lymphatic glands, lung fields, TB lesions and fibrosis or fibrocalcification. They also asked me about my smoking and drinking habits and whether I take any illegal drugs.
I paid USD $365 and was told that they would be mailing out the results in 2 weeks. During the whole process, the doctor and 2 nurses asked me why I wanted to move to Canada...I'm not sure what that was all about

Hope this gives you guys an idea of what to expect for the medical exam.