krae said:
Hey Eliza. I didn't understand what you meant by NY Office. Is there a thread here in the forum or you mean literally NY Office website through Canadian Consulate. I would appreciate your reply. Thanks in advance.
No, I mean the New York list here.
Jstar FSW3 ** ** **** 11-May-2010 New York 19-Sep-2011 03-Nov-2011
Kool_dude1980 FSW* **-Nov-2009 20-Jul-2010 New York 27-Jun-2011 Awaited
Kurt0206 FSW3 15-Sep-2009 14-July-2011 New York 16-Sep-2011 Awaited
Spatel09 FSW1 22-Jul-2010 24-Aug-2011 New York Awaited Awaited
gauravbt FSW3 12-FEB-2010 05-OCT-2011 New York Awaited Awaited
Balu_0427 FSW3 18-Feb-2010 05-Oct-2011 New York 21-Nov-2011 Awaited
AspirantCanada FSW1 26-Feb-2010 05-Oct-2011 New York 07-Nov-2011 Awaited
Arasha FSW1 02-Feb-2010 05-Oct-2011 New York Awaited Awaited
tshabanah FSW3 ** ** ** 13-Oct-2011 New York 11 Nov 2011 Awaited
vermas FSW3 22-Feb-2010 13-Oct-2011 New York Awaited Awaited
RJ007 FSW1 10-Mar-2010 13-Oct-2011 New York 04-Nov-2011 Awaited
Larxace FSW1 02-Mar-2010 14-Oct-2011 New York Awaited
Room3 FSW1 05-May-2010 19-Oct-2011 New York 11-Nov-2011 Awaited
Eliza.W FSW1 06-Mar-2010 19-Oct-2011 New York Awaited Awaited
sicko86 FSW* 19-Oct-2011 New York Awaited Awaited
Krae FSW* 15-Mar-2010 26-Oct-2011 New York Awaited Awaited
Scb2012 FSW* 18-Mar-2010 03-Nov-2011 New York Awaited Awaited
Willbethere FSW* 26-Mar-2010 03-Nov-2011 New York Awaited Awaited
emjay025 FSW3 24-Jun-2010 16-Nov-2011 New York Awaited Awaited
You can find the members' name on this forum by their posting, and then click their names.
Sometimes it's much quicker if you look for the answers from their posting.
For example, you need to check the people who get MR before you, and then take a look at all their postings. You will get the information you need. Hope it helps!