abrarmohsin said:
I received my gcms notes yesterday and my file was reviewed by officer in mid-january and set eligiblity, criminality and medical to "Pass". After that my file location was changed to "CPC-O Program Interity". Does anyone know what does it mean?
Please find below an audit report of CPC Mississauga conducted in 2007, where there are some references to program integrity control. It seems to be a reviewing, on a random basis, of a group of applications to verify and ensure that the applications were being processed within the policy and legislative framework.
I am not sure if it has something to do with the notes in your gcms. You should ask other members here, experienced ones. I am just trying to help you.
""Audit of the Case Processing Centre - Mississauga
1.2.3 Controls
In relation to program integrity, National Headquarters (NHQ) conducted a Quality Assurance (QA) review of sponsorship applications in March 2007 that involved a review of a sample of 453 files to verify the accuracy of the recommendations rendered by CPC Mississauga and ensure that applications were being processed within the policy and legislative framework. The review concluded that “the CPC staff is diligent in applying the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations as well as maintaining program integrity.” It is the intention of those responsible for the QA program at NHQ to conduct this type of review regularly.
In order to assess whether we could rely on the results of the QA exercise, we reviewed the methodology used to conduct it. As well, we reviewed, on a random basis, 22 files that had been reviewed during the QA exercise to ensure that the applications were being processed within the policy and legislative framework. Our findings concurred with those of the QA review on each file examined.
In addition to the QA review, controls include the review of all applications where the outcome is “not met,” and the review of a random sample of applications that are returned to the client (for various reasons, such as missing documents) to ensure that the decision is appropriate. These review practices, in addition to the QA process, demonstrated strong controls in the area of program integrity to mitigate the risk of operational non-compliance. Consequently, as a result of strong monitoring of QA practices, the audit team did not undertake further testing with respect to program integrity. ""