There is only one way delaying the whole process, if some body file a petition in the crown court or supreme court and get the stay order, till the judge hear the petition and make the decision.
Is there any one in this forum who is a lawyer and could file a petition in the Crown Court or Supreme Court to delay the whole process of the bill ?
If we can surely contribute the money would do so
And folks seems the bill has its way towards the end:
Status of the bill:
This Monday: (
12:00 noon
Government Bills (Commons)
C-24 — The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration — Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act — Report stage (resuming debate on the motions in Group No. 1)
Length of speeches, pursuant to Standing Orders 43 and 76.1(7):
All Members — 10 minutes maximum and speeches are subject to a 5-minute question and comment period.
Committee Report — presented on Wednesday, June 4, 2014, Sessional Paper No. 8510-412-105.
Report stage motions — see "Report Stage of Bills" in today's Notice Paper.
Report stage concurrence motion — question to be put immediately after the report stage motions are disposed of, pursuant to Standing Order 76.1(9).
Time allocation motion — notice given Friday, June 6, 2014, pursuant to Standing Order 78(3).
My say is this :
There is this petition :
Signing on this petition and submitting to the ministry is like we are successfully doing our signing from our end but.. from their end if they do not accept it and passes it
for us applicants who have stayed qualifying years and are on the margin on applying for 2 months or few weeks we might miss the chance for the application
this week is the last chance if the people of this forum wants to do something out of it
a rally , demonstration, going in front of the media what so ever this is the last chance last opportunity some guy said doing an appeal the message was this :
" if some body file a petition in the crown court or supreme court and get the stay order, till the judge hear the petition and make the decision. "
So for the folks who really care about their application and the nearby days to be qualified if seriously you wanna slow it down i believe filing in the crown court would be a good idea
but still if somehow if it was possible to gather the attention of media something could have been done anyways if seriously folks you wanna slow it down... wanna make a get together a meeting ???
Lets do it ...
I started this topic if really you care lets do it
Is there any one in this forum who is a lawyer and could file a petition in the Crown Court or Supreme Court to delay the whole process of the bill ?
If we can surely contribute the money would do so
And folks seems the bill has its way towards the end:
Status of the bill:
This Monday: (
12:00 noon
Government Bills (Commons)
C-24 — The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration — Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act — Report stage (resuming debate on the motions in Group No. 1)
Length of speeches, pursuant to Standing Orders 43 and 76.1(7):
All Members — 10 minutes maximum and speeches are subject to a 5-minute question and comment period.
Committee Report — presented on Wednesday, June 4, 2014, Sessional Paper No. 8510-412-105.
Report stage motions — see "Report Stage of Bills" in today's Notice Paper.
Report stage concurrence motion — question to be put immediately after the report stage motions are disposed of, pursuant to Standing Order 76.1(9).
Time allocation motion — notice given Friday, June 6, 2014, pursuant to Standing Order 78(3).
My say is this :
There is this petition :
Signing on this petition and submitting to the ministry is like we are successfully doing our signing from our end but.. from their end if they do not accept it and passes it
for us applicants who have stayed qualifying years and are on the margin on applying for 2 months or few weeks we might miss the chance for the application
this week is the last chance if the people of this forum wants to do something out of it
a rally , demonstration, going in front of the media what so ever this is the last chance last opportunity some guy said doing an appeal the message was this :
" if some body file a petition in the crown court or supreme court and get the stay order, till the judge hear the petition and make the decision. "
So for the folks who really care about their application and the nearby days to be qualified if seriously you wanna slow it down i believe filing in the crown court would be a good idea
but still if somehow if it was possible to gather the attention of media something could have been done anyways if seriously folks you wanna slow it down... wanna make a get together a meeting ???
Lets do it ...
I started this topic if really you care lets do it