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Fiance/Future Wife sponsorship; which form?


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Nov 6, 2009
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vancouverite007 said:
Part 1 For the applicant and his or her dependent Children:
Indication of status in Canada eg. vistor visa, study permmit... etc... - She has her British passport stamped, and we provided proof for the early queston. However, aside from the stamp on passport, there was no visiter visa paper work or anything, do I leave this unticked?

Part 3 For both of you:
Photographs of Marriage or common Law relationship ceremony - we attach our certificate and wedding pictures
Proof of conjugal relationship eg. commitment, housing and financial arrangements, social activities.... - what is this? We have printed a bunch of pictures from the beginning of our relationship all the way to our recent wedding ceremony. Is this sufficient? Do I put 'x' in box? I dont understand as it says conjugal but technically we are married now.
She is a visitor.
You have to prove that you are really married, so you send in a copy of your marriage certificate and other proof, such as wedding photos.
You also have to prove that your relationship is genuine. So when they ask for proof that you have a conjugal relationship, this is what they mean. They are not referring to whether you are applying to sponsor a spouse or a common-law partner or a conjugal partner. You have to show evidence of the development of your relationship, proof that you have spent time together, proof of your communication, proof that you have lived together, proof of joint finances, etc. Because she is from the UK, you don't need as much proof as a couple where the applicant comes from a 'difficult' country, but you need to send something.

Also keep in mind that she can apply outland and still stay in Canada as a visitor. She won't be able to get an open work permit, but outland is generally much faster than inland.
Sep 15, 2016
Hi Profiler and Canadianwoman,

Thank you for your help! Cleared out a lot of grey areas for us! We are almost completed our Inland Checklist.

I do have 3 questions, hoping to get some possible clarification:

1) On the checklist IMM 5443 there are these forms, just to clarify:
IMM 0008 DEP - additional Dependents/Declaration - My wife, and myself does not have any dependents. Therefore is this form needed? I am only sponsoring my wife.
IMM 5406 - Additional Family Information - Just to clarify, for this form, My wife - the applicant, will have to list all her immediate family ie. parents and siblings, and of course myself as her spouse. I also fill out the identical form with my own details. 2 versions of this form. Is that correct?

2) Original Police Certificates - what is this?
You have to supply a police certificate for every country your partner was in for more than 6 months.
Thank you profiler for the link. I read that it is not needed - Do I need to provide a Police Certificate with my Application for Permanent Residence? "No. Citizenship and Immigration Canada will send you a letter requesting a police certificate after you send your Application for Permanent Residence. You must bring that letter when you apply for a Police Certificate."

I guess I will wait until I get notification from CIC? As well, we are travelling to the UK to visit my wife's family during Christmas, as she is from there will it be more convenient to process this while we are visiting?

3) Proof of conjugal relationship eg. commitment, housing and financial arrangements, social activities....
You're married. N/A.
EDIT: You can send in anything that is joint, proving you and your wife are living together. Things like insurance policies, lease/mortgage/rental agreements, utilities, etc etc. Photos are good here too.
You also have to prove that your relationship is genuine. So when they ask for proof that you have a conjugal relationship, this is what they mean. They are not referring to whether you are applying to sponsor a spouse or a common-law partner or a conjugal partner. You have to show evidence of the development of your relationship, proof that you have spent time together, proof of your communication, proof that you have lived together, proof of joint finances, etc.

Thank you for both your replies. The checklist on IMM5443 states "Proof of conjugal relationship eg. commitment, housing and financial arrangements, social activities..etc...". However, we have a ton of evidence from answering form IMM 5285 - in that form you must provide evidence to support your claims. Do I have to redo/reprint all these references? Or can I write 'please refer to IMM5285 attachments/supporting documents' type of thing? We have more than 40+ pages including pictures, documents, mailing details to prove we've live together, airtickets just to name a few for the IMM 5285 section.

Thank you so much for clarifying for us!!


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Aug 10, 2016
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vancouverite007 said:
1) On the checklist IMM 5443 there are these forms, just to clarify:
IMM 0008 DEP - additional Dependents/Declaration - My wife, and myself does not have any dependents. Therefore is this form needed? I am only sponsoring my wife.
IMM 5406 - Additional Family Information - Just to clarify, for this form, My wife - the applicant, will have to list all her immediate family ie. parents and siblings, and of course myself as her spouse. I also fill out the identical form with my own details. 2 versions of this form. Is that correct?
You only require IMM 0008E. Not DEP. Just put "N/A" on the checklist.

IMM 5406 - Only the Principal Applicant fills that form out (Think of it this way: They know you who are. They don't know her yet).

vancouverite007 said:
2) Original Police Certificates - what is this?
You have to supply a police certificate for every country your partner was in for more than 6 months.
Thank you profiler for the link. I read that it is not needed - Do I need to provide a Police Certificate with my Application for Permanent Residence? "No. Citizenship and Immigration Canada will send you a letter requesting a police certificate after you send your Application for Permanent Residence. You must bring that letter when you apply for a Police Certificate."

I guess I will wait until I get notification from CIC? As well, we are travelling to the UK to visit my wife's family during Christmas, as she is from there will it be more convenient to process this while we are visiting?
The sponsor doesn't need one. The PA will need to have them supplied (or, some countries have a consent that you can fill out, and the CIC can just get them directly. I think UK you have to order them though).

I cannot speak to how much better/worse it is to get the PCC in person. Though from what I recall, they require them to be dated after the PA left that country.

vancouverite007 said:
3) Proof of conjugal relationship eg. commitment, housing and financial arrangements, social activities....
You're married. N/A.
EDIT: You can send in anything that is joint, proving you and your wife are living together. Things like insurance policies, lease/mortgage/rental agreements, utilities, etc etc. Photos are good here too.
You also have to prove that your relationship is genuine. So when they ask for proof that you have a conjugal relationship, this is what they mean. They are not referring to whether you are applying to sponsor a spouse or a common-law partner or a conjugal partner. You have to show evidence of the development of your relationship, proof that you have spent time together, proof of your communication, proof that you have lived together, proof of joint finances, etc.

Thank you for both your replies. The checklist on IMM5443 states "Proof of conjugal relationship eg. commitment, housing and financial arrangements, social activities..etc...". However, we have a ton of evidence from answering form IMM 5285 - in that form you must provide evidence to support your claims. Do I have to redo/reprint all these references? Or can I write 'please refer to IMM5285 attachments/supporting documents' type of thing? We have more than 40+ pages including pictures, documents, mailing details to prove we've live together, airtickets just to name a few for the IMM 5285 section.
When I read the question, I saw conjugal and I guess my mind shut off. You won't have to supply more than one copy of those items. You might want to supply anything else that you have (ton or not). You might want to include any additional articles that you have though. This will give the Officer a stronger belief that you are in a committed, and progressive relationship. This is the most important thing to do in this section.
Sep 15, 2016
Hi Profiler!

Awesome thank you so much as that cleared up lots!!

1 Further to the Police Certificate:
My wife was working in Hong Kong for 2 years - on the police HK site, you can only apply and receive a police certificate record from HK once you receive a letter from the Canadian immigration office here, stating that you are required to obtain it. However, for the UK, it does not state this. Therefore we are wondering, whilst we are home in the UK for Christmas, can my wife process the UK Police Certificate record? Or should we submit our application without the police certificate, and wait for the CIC to request it. She will need 2 police certificates, one from Hong Kong, the other from the UK.

2 - Length of Stay as Visitor and Applications
My wife is here as a visitor since Aug 12, 2016 and is permitted to stay for full 6 months until Feb 2017. We will be visiting family in the UK from Dec13 to Jan13, 2016 therefore on return, her 6 months will be renewed - I assume until July 2017. We will be submitting our entire application before leaving for the UK for Christmas.

Our concern is for the PR Inland Application and Open Work Permit, as we have had to submit photocopies of her passport showing the Canada landing stamp, stating her most recent entry Aug 12, 2016.

We are wondering if this will affect our PR and Open Work Permit Application? My wife has read online a lady's open work permit was not issued due to her not having sufficient amount of visitor status time. We would just like to clarify this, or wondering if we can submit additional information to eliminate application delays. We are wondering if she has enough visitor status time for the applications, if we need to extend her stay, and if CIC will now she has extended her stay when our application is handed in.

3 - Form IMM5406 - Her Residence
Just like to clarify, my wife is filling this form out, she is the applicant, and a part of the form asks for her current address. Does she put her UK address? She is currently staying at My parent's place with me and she is on Visitor Status. Since we have lived together abroad prior to this for 2 years, we were used to putting in the same address. But I assume on this form and in the application, she must put in her home address from the UK. Is that correct?

Thank you so much for the help in this forum and many thanks Profiler and those that responded!