In "Background Declaration" IMM5669E form I have couple of questions. Appreciate your help, [Question A] item 8 "Personal History", there are just 5 rows. If I have to fill more than 5 rows, how would I go about adding an additional sheet as "ADDENDUM to 8. Personal History" ? [Question B] item 12 "Addresses", If I'm currently staying at an address, what should be "To" date - leave it blank OR write it as PRESENT (as filling in the pdf other than numbers is not possible) OR fill it with the expiry date of my work-permit (2017/March).[Question C] item 12 "Addresses" If a "From" date goes beyond required 10 year time limit, do we NEED to specify the addresses 10 yrs back from today OR one can go beyond 10 years ? I was living at an address from 2001/Jan till 2005/Jul. 10 yrs back from now gets to 2004. Should I have to specify the From date as 2004 OR 2001