Hello friends,
I am thankful to this forum as I have got so much of valuable information from the moment I joined this forum. So, I would like to give something back to this forum. Hence, I will share few important notes, which would help many other newbies to file the application properly, which helps to speed-up their application process or may even increase the success rate. This is purely from my research and personal experience..
So, Here we go...
1. Read the Document checklist and application guide thoroughly.( Give yourself enough time, atleast a day to go through this guide. Do not rush.)
2. Provide all the required certificates/letters etc as per the checklist.
3. Obtain relevant experience before applying (I have seen few applicants interpreting the eligibility). One will be eligible to appply only after obtaining relevent experience.
4. Obtain Employer letter with all the duties performed in Canada. If you are under a 'closed work permit', make sure that the duites what your employer mentions in the letter matches the duties of the occupation mentioned in the work permit.
5. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Select the NOC(National Occupational code) code carefully. The Job duties your employer has listed in the letter has to match the duties for the NOC code you have selected. Refer to the below website to get your proper NOC code. http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/noc/english/noc/2011/QuickSearch.aspx?
6. Refer to the grid under 'Language proficiency test' in the below link to check if your IELTS score is eligible for applying under CEC. If not, retake IELTS. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5609ETOC.asp
7. Get all the copies(where originals are not requested) notarized which would make the Visa office less time to validate the copies.
8. Do not leave any blank sections in the application. If some section is not applicable to you, write Not Applicable but do not leave the sections blank.
9. Verify and sign at all the places where you need to sign in the applications along with the date.
10. Ask, your friend or Family member to verify the application forms which you have filled. I have caught a bunch of errors in my friend's application after he reviewing it twice.
11. Place all the documents in the order as per the document checklist and just use a paper clip to bind the documents together. Do not fold or staple the document set.
12. Photographs has to be taken as per the specifications in the application guide.
Hope some of these important notes helps someone in need.
Good luck everyone!! May God bless everyone!! Cheers... :-*