sawal said:
I am little worried about my invoice because i want to pay my first semester tution fees as soon as possible i think the consultanct has sent the acceptance for software development with networking course on last tuesday and its gonna be a weak tommorrow . when should i expect to get the fees invoice ?? how much time did u r invoice take ???
sign and scan the letter and then do the foolowing
Confirm your acceptance of this offer. Sign and date the form below, detach and return it to International Centre within two weeks of the date printed on this letter or your offer may expire.
FAX: 1-905-815-4004
international @
Fee invoices are available online after we have received your acceptance and updated your student record.
1) Go to access sheridan and log-in using your the student username and
2) Follow the myStudent Centre link
3) To access your fee invoice, under the Finances heading click the other financial drop down
and select View My Fee Invoice