Hey jigzyy regarding your case i would suggest you to send it right away without any hesitation. This a plus point in study permit case. infact you should have submitted first semester fee before applying and attached this receipt with your application.jigzyy said:Hi,
My semester fee deadline was approaching(Wednesday 29th the last day) so I submitted my fee. Actually my uncle paid who lives in Canada via Credit Card on my SRS (Studend Record Service of Humber) online. I requested a receipt and got in couple hours (Fast!). Now I will be sending it to CHC Islamabad tomorrow insh-Allah. I haven't got any medical call yet so it will be a BUMP for them to check out my case again. Should I attach any covering letter or just send the receipt? I do not know my file # so I will only be providing my name and DOB so they can match the info.
IF you say attach a cover letter, what should I write in it than..??
The Cover letter is just perfect and very reasonable. Afridi is right bro you paid them...just show them up. Good luck !!