In process, once your application is in that stage that means visa office has evaluate your points and you qualify.
Client Application Status
FAQ | Security
Application for Permanent Residence - Federal Skilled Worker submitted to the Centralized Intake Office (CIO) Sydney, Nova Scotia
This diagram explains each step in the application process.
Status of your application Explanation
Application Received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)
We have received your application. After checking for completeness, a file has been created and the information from the application form was entered.
Centralized Intake Office Sydney (CIO-S) ELIGIBILITY REVIEW COMPLETE
Centralized Intake Office Sydney (CIO-S) - Eligibility Review Complete
The review at the CIO-Sydney has been completed. A letter with additional information has been mailed.
Received by Visa Office
The application and documents have been received by the visa office.
Visa Office - Eligibility Review Complete
The review of the application and supporting documents has been completed at the visa office. A letter with additional information has been mailed.
Application Withdrawn
We withdrew your application and your file has been closed.
In Process
Based on review of your complete application package, it has been determined that your application is eligible for processing.
Processing has begun.
(A decision has been made at this point.)
Medical Results Received by CIC
We have received your medical results. We will contact you only if additional tests are needed.
Approval Status Determined
Your application will be either approved or rejected. We will inform you of the decision in writing.
Permanent Residence Status Determined
If your application is approved, we will send you your permanent resident documentation and a letter saying what we need to finalize your permanent residence.
(This is the last step in the processing of your application.)
Applicant Arrives in Canada and is Granted Permanent Residence
You will need to meet with an Immigration Officer who will verify your documents and grant you permanent residence if all is in order.
cn_nikki said:
I just wonder, because it's been over 5months now still I haven't got any reply from Buffalo,NY,USA.
My last update is " Received by visa office "
what would be my next update ?