Hi guys,
Here's my landing experience that I want to share with you:
I'm living in Montreal, so I chose the port of entry Champlain/Lacolle. It's quite easy to find, just drive about 30min along the Autoroute 15 sud and you'll get there. I've arrived there at around 8pm, no traffic there at all. I directly drove to the douane of USA and told the border police that I'm here to do the landing. He asked for my passport, and after 2min waiting, he gave me one sheet of paper and guided me to do a U-turn to get to the Canadian douane. So I did as he asked and told the Canadian douane my purpose. She asked me several questions, whether I bring any goods, commercials, weapons (of cause... 8)), and gave me one sheet of yellow paper regarding these questions. She told me where I can park the car and where's the bureau of immigration.
OK, the interview is super simple, here's how it went:
I handed in my passport and CoPR to the officer. He asked whether I've $2300 to support my living in Quebec. I said yes, and he input that into computer without asking any documents. Then I was asked to sign the CoPR. He explained my rights as a permanent resident, and......................that's it! He didn't even take a look at my CSQ. The whole process took less that 5min.
Anyway, I braught with me the CSQ, my bank acount statement, the lettre of my exployer, the receipt of the RPRF...Maybe these things will help you out if the officer is picky.
That's it. Thank you guys for your help and your sharings during my application. Hope you guys receive good news soon.