Updating information Tim.
Dear Litigant,
The Friday hearing, where the Law Society tried to seize all my assets, including telephone numbers, email addresses and mail, basically went our way. I lost on only one significant matter -- the most important to you.
The Law Society, knowing that I was not in Canada, served me by email at 4pm on Monday, the day Law Times ran the article (which is attached) about my complaint against Law Society staff, which complaint the Law Society has refused to investigate; and set the hearing for Friday. As a result I returned to Canada, prepared a 70-page affidavit and an alternative draft order, which is attached and in which I wanted the Court to protect you.
Fifteen minutes before the hearing was to commence, the Law Society's lawyer advised me that she had altered the initial order, removing from the confiscation order Forefront Migration Ltd., its telephone numbers and email addresses and seizure of my lap-top and mobile phone. So, we will still be able to communicate. (That's the good news.)
They insisted, however, that the Law Society has no authority to retain counsel for anyone -- a position I very seriously doubt -- but agreed to accept the lawyer whom I recommended. After the hearing, I went to Rocco Galati's office, and he agreed to take over your case. The Department of Justice lawyers had been after him to do so anyway. All that remains is for Mr. Galati to tell me how much to pay him to handle your case. I have already told him that whatever the amount, which will be in the tens of thousands of dollars, I will pay it. So, you now have a new lawyer, Rocco Galati, undoubtedly the most fearless and compete lawyer litigating immigration matters in Canada. Attached are two recent articles about him, giving you some insight into his skill and character.
I expect that you will continue to be updated on your case, which is now in Rocco's able hands. Our march continues.