hopefulever said:
Any one from Tim group, Pre or post june got termination letter. I have recd such letter and donot decide what to do whether to go for refund or wait for tim motion.
hi...this should answer your query....
Good day,
Previously I have addressed this issue. However, now that the CHC at New Delhi is sending out letters requiring replies within sixty days and because some have ignored what I had written earlier, I am sending my advise again en masse. Please spare me from repeating the question, okay?
The advice I have given is:
1. complete the form online and submit without changing the name of the recipient.
If you check the form, it is only asking for an updated address; it is not a request, per se, for a refund. The refund will come at some point in any event. Might as well get it sooner rather than later. (The 87.3 litigation is likely to go to the Supreme Court of Canada. If so, it will be three years from now before it is over.)
If one does not assign the money to anyone else, there will be no signature and, thus, no way to prove that the applicant submitted the form.
2. when the cheque arrives, en-cash it as follows:
En-Cashed under Protest
I want [file number] processedd
[legal signature]
Justice Barnes said that if the 87.4 litigation is successful and the cheque has been en-cashed, all one needs to do is to repay the fee. However, it will be CIC which will have to prove that the cheque has been cashed. Thus, it may turn out that the CHC will never ask for re-payment.