hi, do you know what he means?
thank you
Dear Friend,
I am writing to you today to share in a growing concern within failure of the citizenship and immigration department.
Over the last several years, our offices have seen a gradual decline in the level of service being offered by Citizenship & Immigration Canada, under the guidance of the Conservative government.
Wait-times for processing of applications have been getting longer and longer, and it has become more difficult to access information regarding the status of applications. When we do receive responses from immigration officials, they are often vague and generalized messages that offer little comfort to those seeking to reunite with family members.
As of November 2011, the CIC has suspended intake of parental sponsorship applications, as they claim to be dealing with the backlog of applications that have yet to be reviewed. However, in the last 8 months, there has been no movement in the review of these cases, leaving many applicants in limbo.
Earlier this year, the Conservative government also saw fit to “re-structure” the Federal Skilled Worker program. Applications that have sat in foreign offices unopened, even some submitted 4 to 5 years ago, were deleted and simply are sent back to the applicants, with a message that states that they are welcome to apply again. Given the lack of assistance these individuals received with their first application, it seems doubtful that any new cases would fare better.
Perhaps most disturbingly, the CIC recently informed our offices that the current estimated time for review of citizenship applicant’s residency questionnaires, which at last check was 12 to 18 months, has ballooned to 48 months. Along with my colleague Kevin Lamoureux, Liberal Critic for Citizenship and Immigration, I recently held a press conference to outline my concerns with this new development. You can view this meeting at the following link:
Also you can see the press release which was issued by the Liberals at: http liberal.ca/newsroom/news-release/conservatives-leave-canadians-citizenship-limbo/
Article which appeared in the newspaper at: htt leaderpost.com/news/Liberals+call+Kenney+wait+times+citizen+applications/7823359/story.html
The Conservative government has responded to this situation, stating that our office has highlighted only the most severe cases, and that this figure does not represent the norm. This, however, is misleading. We have been advised by Citizenship and Immigration Canada that the 48-month wait period is the new standard by which these applications will be viewed, meaning that hundreds, if not thousands of individuals who have already gone through the immigration process will be put into limbo for up to FOUR years before they are advised as to whether or not they even qualify for citizenship.
I share in the concerns of many of the people being forced to weather these new changes, and hope that we can make the necessary changes to an obviously flawed system, in order to ensure that we do not fail the world in our reputation as a land of freedom and opportunity.
Should you know of someone who is in this situation and would need assistance for us to follow up their case please have them contact me for assistance at: http jimkarygiannis.net/petition_and_action_requests/citizenship_follow_up
Hon. Jim Karygiannis P.C., M.P.
Liberal Critic for Multiculturalism
Constituency Office
3850 Finch Ave East Suite 206
Scarborough Ontario
M1T 3T6
Tel: (416) 3