Classically Mild said:
Hi Konan. I guess IP is not a good indication of how close we are to the finish line i.e. PPR. If you notice the lucky guy who got his PPR yesterday (Feb applicant) actually had an IP date after ours. I still don't know how long the wait will be.
I think IP is still good in terms of indication that they have all necessary docs to move on and make final decisions.
(They usually require all documents before they put us into IP). So from the time you were given IP, you usually don't have to worry about sending extra documents.
But in terms of processing time.. it seems nothing is sure these days since nobody understands how they plan for processing after IP.. it used to be a month from IP to DM in earlier this year.
some DEC applicants who were fast enough already landed in Early August while some are still waiting for DM so I think it's case-dependent too for sure.