Hi Forum members,
I completed Landing at Niagara and finished my PR journey which started around 15 month back

It was full of up and downs and full of surprises

Thanks to all members who helped me by valuable suggestion and never let me felt i am alone.
My experience :
Flag polling took just 2 min. US side Lady was very polite . she said today is big day in your life as you are going to become Canadian PR but still you need visa to enter in US. you can apply it easily details are available at their website

(Although I am aware about process but whats wrong in listening if some one giving suggestion)
Well came back to Canada side . CBSA officer asked couple of Q and took our passport and yellow slip and took us to building next
My GOD what a big crowed.
My total enter and exit form building was approx 5 Hr. (When I asked officer once he said you opted for land at border instead of booking at CIC office so your priority is low also usually on weekends it is bit crowed)
He called me after 3.5 Hr and took CoPR papers and ask me to wait.
One big surprise for me was :- Officer himself corrected my Entry date in canada and last entry date in canada and informed me Sir it was wrong I Corrected it. I was shocked cause I heard from forum members they don't entertain these request (So members who think CBSA officer don't have access for all your details is wrong , infact I was also think same earlier)
Please carry some address proof as they may ask for this. (and all your Old WP copies) I was having my house agreement and bank statement showing my address.
They may ask old WP copy. In my case he said it is no more required as you are PR now . (so no more valid).
Anyway all in sort that 5 Hr. waiting was painful but worth and life changing waiting time.
we was so exited , ;D ;D and returned to Canada as PR

So happy .
now eating and drinking time (off-course Coffee

I wish all forum members to hear good news soon from CIC end and see most of you in Citizenship forum (may be after 3 Year)

I will be here around to help forum members with their queries from my experience.

Note: For my Surveillance undertaking , officer informed ,No action form my end now and if CIC required they will contact you. Is it true? any one please