CharlieD10 said:
Wishing tydelyte and her husband good luck today on their interview!
THANK YOU CHARLIED!! You're fantastic

I just came on to update our situation...
So I'll tell you what my husband told me at 4am (as I sat here FREAKING OUT)....
He said he went to the Embassy, with all his paperwork and some (I made him bring another 60 pictures that he found in an old harddrive- we initially only included about 20 pictures....crazy I know). He went in, his interview was set for 9am and they called him in about 30 mins late. He was VERY calm and ready UNTIL he saw some lady leaving her interview CRYING and another man walked out pissed off and said "Good luck man, you're going to need it. At that point my husband was SH*TTING BRICKS! lol
He got called in, he sat down and the woman started off by asking questions about my work, what I do, how much I make and small details....then asked about how we met etc....My husband went on and on (as he said) about me and our daughter and the I.O was VERY nice and kept smiling at him (my husband states she was flirting with him because he is sooo handsome and nobody can resist and the whole process lasted 10-12 mins!! She actually had to cut him off and say "Okay, its fine, I believe this is a genuine marriage, you need to apply for an ARC and pay $400 CAD....the sooner you do it the better and here is a sheet with the instructions" and he was on his way. She wanted to see a family declaration (its a Turkish gov't document) and he had that along with a criminal background check he did the day before "just in case". She was pleased he was very organized. She didn't ask to see all the pictures, phone bills/cards...nothing. She gave him all the stuff we initially sent in and he was on his way. WE ARE THRILLED and know the ARC is going to take a LONG time (esp. at this Embassy) so he went and paid the $400 CAD and brought back the receipt a few hours later. She mentioned they MAY need his fingerprints for the RCMP check but they'll let him know....I think we're going to get started on those to be one step ahead. So now the REAL waiting begins for all the background checks and criminal checks- he lived in Canada for 10 years so they'll be checking everything!! He has NO records or charges but did have a Canada wide Warrant for being in Canada illegally after his deportation (my fault....not funny I know).
So thats it, all the details and hopefully this will help someone going through the same thing
I am VERY impressed and happy and don't mind the wait now....we'll see if I'm saying the same thing a year from now. LOL
THANK YOU EVERYONE for the well wishes and can't wait to see everyone re-united with their families/spouses very soon!