Hi guys,
First of all congrats on the PPRs to those who have them! My goodness I am really wanting London to hurry it up now!!!
Ok so not a huge issue but an issue nonetheless, just wanted to ask...
Because the waiting was driving me nuts, I checked our copy of the application just to see which email addresses we put down to contact re. PPR (yep I know, quite obsessive...not really helping myself checking forums/ecas/application 17 times a day!)
Despite the fact we checked our application at least 20 times, had other people check etc etc, there is a huge gaping error in that my email address is spelt wrong (not pointing the finger at my OH, but it is in his handwriting

) and I presume they'd be contacting me and not my OH re. my PPR as I'm the one applying for it?
So is it worth sending a case specific email to the London office just to update the contact info they have? Would this hurt? I'm just worried they could send emails to the wrong address and I'd never know...
Probably being unnecessarily daft - but all logic has gone out of the window since Feb 9th!