Hi All,
Here goes my story with FBI PCC
I had a 6 month tiring journey to finally get my PCC yesterday
I applied my FBI PCC on 17th October, I got my CC charged on my PR on 29th, that is my first mistake

After rather tiring journey got my CC charged towards end of December and my original PCC sent in Mid of January to my friend (But as if luck is not on my side, my friend moved to another address, that is my second mistake

I applied for duplicate copy after 3 week wait as mandated by FBI and to my surprise it took them 3 more weeks to send out my duplicate copy and finally received by my friend a week ago.
He sent the courier through USPS to India, thats another mistake

, which took its own time, 1 whole weeks to reach me yesterday and I sent it and it finally reached NDVO today morning.
These are my 2 cents to you all
1) Make sure to send your PCC with your PR application(Plan accordingly before.... most PCC's have 6 month expiry) this helps to cut down waiting times and last minute tensions.
2) If you live outside US, find a friend/relative who for sure is planning not to move in next 6 months and always address your mail to him. most apartments offices would not take mails addressed to people who are not registered to their apartment
3) Make sure your friend/relative sends mail through fedex/UPS with highest priority