Can I use FBI Approved Channelers to request FBI Criminal Background or I have to do it directly with FBI?
I'm also confused with following statement on FBI site:
An FBI-approved Channeler cannot authenticate (apostille) fingerprint search results. A request for your FBI Identification Record or proof that a record does not exist must be submitted directly to the FBI if an apostille is needed.
Do I need to have "Apostile" fingerprint results for Canadian Immigration?
Im US Citizen living in US and being family sponsored to Canada.
Anyone used this FBI-approved Channeler and how long did it take you to get your criminal background?
Thank you
I'm also confused with following statement on FBI site:
An FBI-approved Channeler cannot authenticate (apostille) fingerprint search results. A request for your FBI Identification Record or proof that a record does not exist must be submitted directly to the FBI if an apostille is needed.
Do I need to have "Apostile" fingerprint results for Canadian Immigration?
Im US Citizen living in US and being family sponsored to Canada.
Anyone used this FBI-approved Channeler and how long did it take you to get your criminal background?
Thank you