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Father is being detained and we're being deported!


Hero Member
Jul 21, 2008
First, get your facts straight before you even start thinking about replying to this kind of topic. Secondly, you are being way too judgemental towards illegals. You hold too much resentment towards them, for whatever reason that might be. You should take therapy. If you're in GTA, I know a good one, doesn't charge much. He's doing well for me, I can see progress as i write this.
What facts Mel? Can you even begin to point out proper ones?

Since I have not broken any immigration laws and I as a citizen do not want people to break my countries laws, why should I not comment? To be silent and let bad things happen will only make my country worse.

And thanks for the offer for therapy, I wouldn't want to take away any time he might need to give you so I will politely refuse.


Mar 3, 2009
Leon said:
I think that the US needs to clean house, either get the illegals out or pardon them and make it easier for people to come in legally while stopping more people from coming illegally.
I think we all agree on that. But do you really think that if US really wanted to do that, they wouldn't already done it? Every first world country like US or Canada has the manpower and the RESOURCES/ABILITY to create that manpower to deal with these issues. Do you really think they cannot capture all these Mexicans walking around w/out papers? The answer is that the guvernment benefits way too much from them in order for "the cleanup" to be executed. Hear no evil, see no evil.


Hero Member
Jul 21, 2008
So I speak up to start the cleanup...or enforce the already on the books laws...and get called racist and ignorant and offered therapy. And yet you agree with me? Makes no sense.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
Mel2904 said:
I think we all agree on that. But do you really think that if US really wanted to do that, they wouldn't already done it?
Yeah, I think they would have. They are turning a blind eye to it because it's cheap labour. Good for the economy.


Mar 3, 2009
Since I have not broken any immigration laws and I as a citizen do not want people to break my countries laws, why should I not comment? To be silent and let bad things happen will only make my country worse.


You might not have broken any immigration laws, but you probably did brake some other law one way or another at a certain point in your life. So "he who is w/out sins, should cast the first stone". And if you're telling me that you never jaywalked or stole that candy in a store when you were a kid, you are just being a hypocrite here. But if you somehow really didn't, I commend you for that and I think you're the one who should be rewarded with a medal and a fine position in the Government. Just don't get too dissapointed if you don't qualify.
My point is that every country benefits one way or another from illegal immigration, they know it, i know it, most of the people here know it and it seems you're the only one who doesn't know it. "One hand washes the other."
And I am far from objecting from you speaking out, because that would be me trying to deprive you of liberty of speech (not that I can ever do that, nobody can), but if you really want to change things, you're in the wrong place. You should start signing petitions to your guvernment, cause your guvernment is the one being silent. And that is for a reason.


Mar 3, 2009
frolic said:
So I speak up to start the cleanup...or enforce the already on the books laws...and get called racist and ignorant and offered therapy. And yet you agree with me? Makes no sense.
I was being sarcastic, knowing that this will never happen. And again for a reason. You are being called those because you come off as a hypocrite. I do apologize if I took it too far.


Hero Member
Jul 21, 2008
What does my speeding or parking tickets have to do with illegal immigration? And how about this wonderful idea...I have actually paid for my tickets because I know the rules and accepted my responsibility. Those who break the immigration laws should do the same.

And if a country benefited from "illegal immigration" don't you think that they would make it legal? The rules are put in place to protect Canada and Canadians, not just out of spite you know? Protect us from people who might be criminals or have committed war crimes, who might be a great burden to our society, who might drain our welfare and medical programs. Protect us from people who come here with false pretenses.

The legal ways they allow are to reunite families, bring in workers for jobs we need, investors and more. All these bring positive things to the country.

And what good do illegals bring? They do the work that other people don't want to do...illegally paying less taxes, or through fraud paying taxes. If someone doesn't want to do a job it is most likely because the pay is not commiserate with the duties...so the illegals come and take the lower pay and do the job...thereby reducing what a legal Canadian or PR could earn. Lower pay = lower taxes too by the way. They are an unknown...they could be criminals or carrying any disease out there and we would never know. They obviously have no respect for our laws already just by their being here illegally. Some may be saints except for the crossing of the border...but we will never know that unless they are examined properly. So no...since this is an immigration forum I am going to read it as that...immigration...it doesn't have to include "illegal immigration".


Hero Member
Jul 21, 2008
I asked...they said they bring cheap labour that they don't have to pay fair wages too and they don't have to give benefits to. Basically cheap slaves they can mistreat because they wont dare go to the cops or they get deported.


Star Member
Sep 18, 2008
Ohh Frolic, you just reflect how ignorancy can hurt the humanity.

First of all, you said what you said gets me. Yes, you are right it does get me.
It gets me that you talk and talk with no clue of what's going on, blinded with myths and wrong ideas.
I've known so many illegal immigrants, soo many, you have no clue, not just here in the USA, but also in Mexico, from where I am from by the way, since you were so "interested" to know. I've know illegal immigrants who were in Mexico coming to the USA, and in no way, even when I didn't have any clue how people treat them in the States, NEVER diminished them. I help them when I could, with no intention of getting anything back, with no bragging about it. They are just people, like you, like me who its true, they did broke a law, but not anymore or worse than most of other people I've met (legal ones too).
Im sure there are more than 12 million immigrants, but there are a lot more, there is no exact number but there are calculations between 12 and 20 mill.
Your whole debate just demonstrates the xenophobic way of looking at things, coming for an immigrant, that's really sad.
And what good do illegals bring you asked????
Illegal immigrants sometimes pay more taxes because like you said, they are afraid that they can be caught by immigration for filling a tax return, so sometimes they don't fill one, thus they never get the money back they "deserve" under the tax laws.
Illegals immigrants contribute billions, YES BILLIONS of dollars a year to Social Security and Medicare, and never see a penny back. Hell even we legal immigrants contribute to that and would never see nothing back if we don't live here for at least 10 years, wich there is a lot of us who wont.
Illegal immigrants are not hurting anyone, people complain about them working too hard, because they won't complaint since they don't have papers, but there's nothing than a illegal can do that a legal can't, the legals just won't do it even if their job is on the line. Maybe if americans were bitching less, crying like little babies, and WORKING MORE, they wouldn't have so much problems. But most of them are just lazy ass workers than don't want to do any work. Also most of the illegal workers are people from the country side of Mexico, hard workers used to do hard work, they are "horses" that don't know about cigarrettes breaks, or coffe time, and they don't expect employers to treat them like their girlfriends, because where they come from, they are not treated soft, so it has nothing to do with legal status. Besides, employers doesn't know for sure if their employees are illegals or not, in most of the cases they do know, but not always, and they keep the illegals because they work more and better, it has nothing to do with legal status again. And yeah, they would do the work most americans nor Canadians won't do. ANOTHER THINK YOU SHOULD THANK THEM FOR. Yes, illegals are cheaper labour, but that's because of the employer, not the employees.  IF YOU THINK FARMERS CAN PAY WORKERS $20/HR FOR PICKING UP ONIONS, YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR FKNG MIND. THANKS TO THOSE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS YOU CAN KEEP THE INFLATION DOWN. HOW MUCH DO YOU THINK YOU WOULD PAY FOR ONE ORANGE THAT COST $10 TO COLLECT??????
And if they are trated like cheap slaves why wouldn't you sympathize, instead of judging them?? Do you realize people thinking like you it's what contribute to that treatment??
Before you said you wanna know if they commit any crime, do you want them to wear a tatto that says if they have commit a crime too??? All the criminals, or just the illegal mexicans??? And I asked you before, but you never answer, IF YOU KNOW YOU NEIGHBOR ITS A MURDERER WHO WAS CONVICTED AND RELEASED, WHAT WOULD YOU DO???
Illegal immigrants are the core and fuel of the many important industries, without them, those industries will collapse, that's why the goverment hasn't throw them out.
Now, this is how I know how ignorant you are, from all the illegal immigrants you so much hate, 30% yeah, that's right 30% at least are people who overstayed their visas and work permits, so guess what, THEY HAD A BACKGROUND CHECK, THEY HAD MEDICALS, THEY WERE THOUGHT THEY WEREN'T GONNA BE "CRIMINALS", JUST LIKE YOU. So how is a legal immigrant better than a illegal one???.
What do you think about them???
There's one reason why illegal immigrants doesn't have to go to jail like any other serious crime, and its because IT'S NOT A SERIOUS CRIME. And yet people wanna paint it like that because all the hating and racism involved.
I wanna ask you something frolic, you said you were an immigrant in Canada, and you said you'd assume responsabilities like a man, Imagine you come from a thirld world country, and you have a family, let's suppouse you get divorce, and suddenly for some unfortunate situation you are gonna be deported back to your country, where you know if you go, your family doesn't  stand a chance, your kids would suffer because they won't have the economic support they need, and you would too, besides, besides your ex-wife won't move back and the kids would stay with her, so you would not be able to see your kids anymore. Can you tell me you wouldn't stay living illegaly???
Another thing most illegal immigrants is not equal to criminals, it upset me how blind in the subject people is. Almost 60% of the illegal are from Mexico, and it's sad for me to say, but Mexico is a criminal paradise. What do I mean by that?? Criminals doesn't need to come to the USA, they stay in Mexico, they have it good there, they can keep doing what they are doing and police won't catch them, Why would they go into a country where they'd have more trouble doing what they do (kidnapping, stealing, etc). They don't need to fly to the USA trying to scape from the police. It's most of the people trying to get away from them the ones who immigrate.
That's why people immigrate right? To give themselves and their families a better life, a better future, or even a better present?? Legals or illegals, the reasons remain alike. Why are you immigrating people???
Also frolic, you said you paid for the speeding tickes you got, that's when you got caught, what about when you were speeding and you didn't got caught, did you went to the police deparment saying: "Hey officer, I was speeding, I'm here to get my ticket" ???? I don't think so right? So you are breaking the law too, putting the life of other people and yourself in danger. I don't know how its in Canada, but in the USA if you get too many tickets, you could get your license suspended. So if you are speeding or driving agreesively too many times, you should get your license suspended, and I'm sure at this point, 90% in here should have it suspended it already, so we are all breaking a serious law in theory. Like in theory you said an illegal immigrant cost more than a legal resident with all the cost of  Investigation, enforcement , detention, deportation and hearings and more. But if they don't get caught, then they are not costing money on detention, deportation and herings right?? So it's just investigation and enforcement, wich they still have to keep to avoid the legal residents become illegal residents. It's like saying if all people didn't commit crimes we could get rid of the police corps wich by the way have a lot more funding than immigration agencies. So what you said that the illegals immigrant costing more because the immigration enforcement, and that immigration officer would not be lay off and would be moved to another department its just irreal, and with all respect, stupid, . Haven't you seen the current situation in the world??? If they don't need so many people patrolling THEY WOULD GET RID OF THEM. Not just that, some of those people doesn't have the skills or will to do other jobs. How in the world would you even suggest that??? How can you come with that conclusion???? Besides you still need patrolling of the border to avoid narcotrafic and smuggling merchandise and weapons. So americans and canadians need to pay with their taxes for that wether there is illegal immigration or not. So again this point its just stupid.
I don't know why americans worry so much about paying taxes (if there were any, there would be minimal) for deporting illegal immigrants and yet they agree, and support on a war that has cost them so much money, and contribute to the country broken economy, for the "freedom" of a country that is half way across the world. It seem like they should start giving "freedom" to the people in their own soil don't you think?, but rather yet some of they judge them, they treat them worst than the baddest criminals on the community. I called this DOUBLE MORALITY.
Illegals aren't saints, "nor the cure for humanity" neither, there are downsides of illegal immigration, like overpopulation, an innacuracy on census and stadistics, they could contribute to a country increase on birth mortality and lesser the life expectancy, some crimes being not punished, that there's people who could get in that way who you REALLY don't want to let in. But that doesn't mean you should hold the majority responsible. You said you wanna clear house, and to send back all those people with no papers, well why don't we ask anybody in this forum who doesn't look american nor canadian, if they'd like to be stopped every 5 minutes on the streets to be asked for their immigration papers, or even better, lets make them wear a bracelet that says, "IM LEGAL".
Ohh, I know, "I have an idea too, after we deport all the illegal immigrants" let's find what race commits the most crime, and lets put them all in jail before they commit any crime, that way we would be saving thousands of lives, and reducing criminality to zero. Ohh wait, I think they have done similar things in the past haven't they?? Maybe the Nazis, or the KKK??? It's that the path you wanna follow??.


VIP Member
Sep 15, 2008
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Dec 2008 to CIO
Doc's Request.
Jan 2009
AOR Received.
Feb 2009 from VO
IELTS Request
Didn't do IELTS.
File Transfer...
Not transfered to regional office.
Med's Request
July 2010 with RPRF and another PCC.
Med's Done....
Meds - September 2010. PCC - Late Oct 2010
Passport Req..
Early November 2010
December 2010 - Exactly days shy of 2 years since I sent in my application to CIO.
i got so confused with frolic and flori. thought it was the same person arguing with himself.

To the OP, i have no advice as i am not experience in the subject but my thoughts and prayers are with you.


Star Member
Sep 18, 2008
rupeshhari said:
i got so confused with frolic and flori. thought it was the same person arguing with himself.

To the OP, i have no advice as i am not experience in the subject but my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Please, whatever you do, DO NOT COMPARE ME TO HIM!!
You just make me wanna change my nickname.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
Flori said:
Ohh, I know, "I have an idea too, after we deport all the illegal immigrants" let's find what race commits the most crime, and lets put them all in jail before they commit any crime, that way we would be saving thousands of lives, and reducing criminality to zero. Ohh wait, I think they have done similar things in the past haven't they?? Maybe the Nazis, or the KKK??? It's that the path you wanna follow??.
You are forgetting that the illegal immigrants already broke the law. That is why they call them illegal, you know.


Hero Member
Jul 21, 2008
Ahh now it makes sense why you say the things you do. Obviously your sympathies don't allow you any rational thought on the matter since you are so emotionally vested. Your viewpoint is based on your experiences and background and is completely one sided because of this. It is a viewpoint of "self-interest" and is only open to opinions that reflect those of your side of the issue.

And please, at no point am I saying illegals are not people or less than me or deserve to be treated poorly. All I am saying is they have chosen the wrong path to improving their lot in life and that going the illegal way has consequences that they should be prepared for. Consequences to their own life and how they are viewed by many in society, how it is outside the law and they may be treated as criminals because of this. It is almost exactly the same as turning to a life of crime to improve your life...oh wait...it IS the same since they are breaking a law. Do you agree that people should break a law to improve their way of life?

First of all...since this is a Canada visa forum...why are we discussing illegals in the U.S.? 20 million illegals would be half of Canada. We don't even have programs named medicare or social security. I will just use Canadian figures from now on.

Illegal immigrants sometimes pay more taxes because like you said, they are afraid that they can be caught by immigration for filling a tax return, so sometimes they don't fill one, thus they never get the money back they "deserve" under the tax laws.
Lets do the math...in Canada...with a population of 33.5 million, they say there are 300,000 illegals working here. If they ALL overpaid by $1000 they would have added $300 million to our government's income. Compare this to $110,477 million brought in from income tax in 2006/7. So illegals make up 0.8% of Canada and contribute an extra 0.2% in taxes. This is the BEST case scenario for how much they add extra. An extra 0.2%...$300 million.

Since they are theoretically working cheaper and keeping inflation down, they would pay LESS tax anyway than someone making the normal wage to pick an onion. Say they are 10% cheaper? So their income tax would be 10% less as well. Say they are 50% cheaper? They provide 50% less tax. Is it posible that paying that whole group 10% less would reduce their tax enough to make up $300 million? If they ALL made $30,000 a year and were taxed individually with only the usual deductions they would end up paying 21% tax in Ontario...in other words...$1.89 billion in taxes from their jobs. Pay them 10% less and wow...$189 million less!!! So now their overpaying $300 million is offset by them paying less tax to start by $189 million. Now we are down to 0.1% or $111 million dollars they add. And that is if they work for 10% less than their legal counterparts...if they are even cheaper...then it is even LESS tax. If they were 16% cheaper they would not add anything...and if they are 50% cheaper they would cost taxpayers $945 million dollars. The math doesn't look so good does it?

And finally...you say SOMETIMES they pay more taxes. So you would agree that SOMETIMES they pay the right amount and SOMETIMES they pay less and SOMETIMES they pay NONE.
How many pay the exact amount and don't overpay? How many pay less than they should? And how many are working and paying none? Any of these situations would REDUCE the extra amount they add to our taxes. So with all these factors coming into play...just how much extra they are adding really? Is it possible that the ones paying less tax or none at all cancels out the ones paying too much? Since we don't know because they don't file returns we can't really know the numbers involved at all. But we CAN say it is LESS than an extra 0.1% now.

Hardly the huge benefit for our governments finances that you portray is it? And that is if they ALL overpay by $1000...a best case scenario. To be honest my refund was $638 this year and I make well over $30,000 so I really doubt that they all overpaid by that much. If the payroll person knew how to do math you should come out close to what you owe anyway.

Your tax benfits arguement doesn't pass the smell test.

Illegal immigrants want to be treated fairly and with respect, yet they ignore the fact that THEY are the ones not being fair. How is it fair that some illegal that overstayed or bypassed the process gets to stay when there are many people who are trying to immigrate here legally who have to wait? That is also not fair. How is it fair that they ignore our laws and jump the queue to live here? The Canadian government has a moral obligation to enforce the immigration laws and rules and process and to deport those here illegally because of this. They have to be fair to Canadians and legal immigrants first. You just don't want to accept that.