DJCT said:
thanks for your answer charlie although i have to admit that i got disappointed after i read it. i just dont get the part that even if i marry him now, i would still be unable to sponsor him. why is that so? what if after staying in canada for some time, i'll visit the philippines then marry him. would i be able to sponsor him already in that case? how about him getting a visitor visa then us getting married in canada? would that be valid? thank you so much for your time.
Representing yourself on the forms as "single" when you were involved in a common-law relationship runs contrary to Section 16(1) which places on all immigrants a duty to answer all questions honestly. Section 117(9)(d) prohibits recognising as members of the family class any spouses, children or relatives not declared at the time of the application or at landing (as a last resort). Those are the two reasons why you would not be able to sponsor him.
If you have not already landed, then I suggest you inform CIC BEFORE you do so, declare him on your application as your common-law partner, and have him medically examined. Even if he does not accompany you immediately, it would mean that you retain the option to sponsor him later.
If you go ahead and land without declaring your relationship with him and without him getting the medical done, you CANNOT EVER SPONSOR HIM. Even if you waited a few years, went back home and sponsored him, you would end up mis-representing yourself when you landed, since you already are in a common-law relationship which you have not declared, OR you would mis-represent yourself when you sponsored him as a spouse. Either way, you would not be able to sponsor him, and you could find yourself subject to a report for misrepresentation. You really don't want that headache.
Declare him NOW, if you haven't landed as a PR yet. Add him to the application, get his medical done.
If you already landed as a PR, there is nothing to be done, you have forfeited the opportunity to sponsor him as a spouse, common-law or married, and he will have to try to immigrate under another stream.