Here is the deal. I am Married to a Canadian since January. I am a American. I want to be able to work here and support my wife. Here is the situation though. She has no income asides from child support for her 6 kids , I will be bringing in the income( as she has been and is a stay at home mom for 19 yrs now) after i can get employed. Everywhere we turn we have been given a different story on whether or not she can sponsor me as I will be the one earning the income or even if I can get a temporary work visa and at least be able to work for now while we sort out my status. Lawyers are expensive,and not an option as we cannot afford it and we are trying to do the best we can. She doesn't qualify for legal aid,she makes too much with her child support they allow for 4 kids not 6 and she is over their guide lines limits) and if i go down to the states I am not sure what i could do from there. Any advice would be appreciated.