The official fees for the visa application is 34,850 Indian currency.Please do hurry up the process to submit your document as soon as you receive my message,as we will need you to resume duty on the stipulated date on your agreement documents.
What is your question ? I am guessing you have a fake job offer simply based on the wording ' resume duty on the stipulated date' a phrase that often gets used and yet nobody creating these offers has any influence on when permits/visas are issued or not ?
I have also recieved the same email with new attorney name this time mr. Harry chloe Canada immigration centre New Delhi, phone no. Is also given 8929818842. The fee is INR 34,850. kindly tell me if its real or fake? Email from which i have recieved it is
I have also recieved the same email with new attorney name this time mr. Harry chloe Canada immigration centre New Delhi, phone no. Is also given 8929818842. The fee is INR 34,850. kindly tell me if its real or fake? Email from which i have recieved it is