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(EXTREMELY URGENT) HOW can I reapply for IEC before all the SPOTS ARE GONE?!!!


Jul 1, 2015
I am from New Zealand and The spots are literally disappearing by the day.
My IEC CAL expired because of the Police certificate taking an age to finally get here.

I went to the Kompass website to reapply for the CAL again, and when I log in, it still shows all of my old submitted documents and NO OPTION to reapply.
I need to do this fast while there are still some spots available!!

I DESPERATLEY need help before all of them are gone, how can I make another application? Do I just recreate my account and do it again? My current account hasn't reset at all, even after I contacted them!

Can anyone confirm if doing another application with a different email is prohibited?


Oct 4, 2015
I had the same thing, I had to start over and use another email address... I haven't found much info on this topic which is a pain - like you I was in the dark. A few other things I'd found had people doing the same thing and using another email.

They didn't say anything, everything was approved, good times. Fingers crossed...