said:how one can extend study permit after 1 yr course..?
please help seniors ..?
i would be very thankful
well masters would be a good reason.......however if u intend to do masters why do PGD first why not directly go for masters? do u have a 4 year bachelors degree?mronaq said:thanks a lot
wht if i get in master program after ending up my 1 yr PGD program..?
ur saying u doing PGD because ur IELTS score is low? really? take IELTS again improve ur english.....mronaq said:yes i have completed 4yr in chemical engg.
nw applied for project management from centennial as it is linked with my background
my profile is
10th 77%
12th 84% 73%(with no backlog)
n ielts is 6.5(one 5.5)
that is y i m nt eligible for unv.
i still dont understand.....u want to do PGD cause u dont want to do tech but after 1year ur ok with it? why waste 1 year? jobs after project management will be very difficult if u have no experience. my suggestion take IELTS again and apply for masters where visa chances r better and if 2 years master will also get u 3 years PGWP.mronaq said:yes
but i dnt want to get in techanical side or may after completing this can get into masters..? m.engg