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EXtending visitor visa for 6 months urgent


Star Member
Oct 29, 2007
I have an urgent query, my mother is in Canada since mid of June,now her status is going to expire in 20 days,Actually she is a widow;I lost my father 10 months back, thats why she is with me,we are going to file H&C application for her.

I have some questions,I wish anybody help me

1)Does it matter,we are applying late I mean 20 days are left?

2)We are going to send her H&C application in this week,so we cannot lie CIC,then what reason should be given for the extension.

3) should we tell them we are filing h& C application.

I appreciate any reply


Hero Member
Nov 1, 2011
Visa Office......
Vegreville Alberta
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Nov 2012
Yeah you should tell them, because they will know either way.

The 20 days won't matter, its ok as long as you file the extension before her status expires, in the mean time she will have implied status.

However, in terms of parents they likely won't accept an HC application due to a person being a widow. To get an HC application approved is very tough, you must show very exceptional reasons, you must also show you have established strong ties in Canada, since your mother has only been here since June, it'd be very tough to do.

I don't mean to be rude, I'm sorry, I just wanted you to have all the proper information.

I would read this first http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5291E2.asp

Please also read this for useful tips and suggestions.