First of all, Many Thanks to Asivad Anac for excellent help and rajkamalmohanram and Yokodaddy for replying to my queries.
I am just writing this for benefit of all, in case you are in the same boat.
I have a Btech and an MBA from IIM. WES evaluated me to a 4 year bachelor's (Not even two or more degrees

) . I wrote to WES highlighting that PGDM is well recognized as a Master's degree and hence, I should be evaluated as a master.
Finally after a wait of more than 2 weeks, WES has updated my evaluation to Master's

- it was showing "Under Review" for two weeks) . They aren't that unresponsive after all. That really takes my points closer to last cutoff.
Just one issue is pending that, the new WES evaluation is showing as a link and not as a PDF (PDF is still old). Has anybdy faced this issue and what is the way out??