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Express entry for Self-employed


Full Member
Sep 28, 2017
I have PGdiploma + 4 years bachelor degree. Post my degrees, I haven't worked for any company at all. I have been self-employed and running a small firm since then. I have some questions about how my work experience counts? I heard, I need to get reference letters from my clients. I have clients in US, AUS and I can get them. But I have some questions as below:
  • How many reference letters required? What should be specifically mentioned in reference letter?
  • My clients are working with me for fixed price projects. How do I match them with working hours, like 30 hours a week for full time.
  • Do I need to put invoices? I have my clients paying me through Paypal, Western Union and other channels and I get those money in my current bank account from them.
  • Which letters of my firm required? I have current account on company's name.
  • Does this self employment lower the chances?
Looking forward to expert comments. Thank you very much in advance.