Has anyone been approved under Express Entry, while being a Temporary Resident in Quebec (for example, on a work permit)?
What further information should one present to prove that they don't intend to continue living in QC if they're accepted for PR?
I'm on a work permit in QC, I have one year left on my work contract. My brother is a permanent resident of Canada, living in QC. My mother and father are also permanent residents of Canada, they have been accepted through the Quebec program, but they currently don't reside in Canada. I have aunts and cousins living in Toronto and Vancouver, all citizens of Canada.
My lawyer insists that in order to prove I intend to leave QC:
(1) I have to rent an apartment in Vancouver for a year, once I receive the ITA.
(2) Move to Vancouver.
(3) Get a job offer in Vancouver.
Has anyone gone through the same process?
I have specific questions such as, does it matter if I rent an apartment by myself of rent a room in an apartment?
I'd appreciate any suggestion or help,
Has anyone been approved under Express Entry, while being a Temporary Resident in Quebec (for example, on a work permit)?
What further information should one present to prove that they don't intend to continue living in QC if they're accepted for PR?
I'm on a work permit in QC, I have one year left on my work contract. My brother is a permanent resident of Canada, living in QC. My mother and father are also permanent residents of Canada, they have been accepted through the Quebec program, but they currently don't reside in Canada. I have aunts and cousins living in Toronto and Vancouver, all citizens of Canada.
My lawyer insists that in order to prove I intend to leave QC:
(1) I have to rent an apartment in Vancouver for a year, once I receive the ITA.
(2) Move to Vancouver.
(3) Get a job offer in Vancouver.
Has anyone gone through the same process?
I have specific questions such as, does it matter if I rent an apartment by myself of rent a room in an apartment?
I'd appreciate any suggestion or help,