It's not fair that some people get the PPR in 3 months and others have to wait more than six. Especially for us outlanders, we have less time to organise for arrival... 164 days 
Is your current BG check IP 2?Did anoyne submit the cse webform to enquire why it's taking more than 6m and did they reply?
It never changed before, and from what I learn here FSW don't have 1 and 2, it only happens once. As per my notes everything is passed except security, so I m guessing it's 2Is your current BG check IP 2?
Most people go through SECURITY, and only a few go throuh SECURITY SCREENING. They are different.I have Security screening pages, they are all blanked out. I also have it in activities section - Security Screening. At the end of my notes agent wrote a note on 26.04. "First referral initiated" and that's where my notes end.
But I thought everyone goes through security screening, how come ours takes so long?