Hi, I recently just submitted my pr application where some information might be inconsistent with my student application before particularly with my work history. As far as I can remember during my student application, my representative and I declared that I was a co owner and worked in our business for years, however, when I was applying for pr, I already forgot what position we had declared back then and just decided to declare positions that I knew i was apart of which were genuine that could give me points. As part of the requirements I just submitted a signed employment letter stating the positions, duties and responsibilities i did during those years working in our family business. Now, i am very anxious as I am being more aware of the consequences that i might get of creating these discrepancies. Is there any advice that anyone of you can share, Incase an officer issue me a pfl. I am currently a workpermit holder, i am very afraid that i might get deported if they mark my application misrepresentation.