LSP said:
Thank you. I appreciate your advise. Now it is 6 months since i am visiting outside canada. I stayed there and fulfilled all the time required plus stayed for 14 months more after my citizenship application was accepted. Actually, I had to go out of the country for wellness treatment to India. This takes 3 to 6 months. Now I will return and hope there will be no problems for the test and oath. I think the very fact that my husband and i stayed away from each other, for more than 4 years, should prove our desire to become canadian citizens.
If Canada cannot sustain well educated and affording candidates who fulfil the time required as per citizenship application, and they are trying to put us in difficult situations, because of their inablility to process application on time or quickly, I think there will be only refugees left to populate canada. Maybe there will come a time when people would prefer not to live in refugee land.
1. In the eyes of CIC your family separation was out of choice - the reality is that it was a financial decision. After all its human nature what with the tax free incomes in UAE...this doesn't cut it for CIC...their view is many immigrants live and work in Canada why should you not do the same?
2. The original FSW has been found wanting because it does not match up the applicant with the actual job market e.g a Mechanical Engineer would get enough points but not a welder whereas in the job market there is a shortage of welders but a surplus of Mechanical Engineers (many of them with Canadian education and experience). CIC have changed immigration employment streams to include PNP, CEC as well as amending the FSW to better match candidates with the needs of the job market.
3. Canada will always have a refugee stream but you are assuming that all these refugees are no good to Canada...some of them are highly skilled. The refugee stream is significantly smaller than the family and economic immigration streams.
4. The Citizenship application timeline is 23 months for 80% of routine applications. Most applications with no issues are actually nearer 15 months. Much depends on your local office and whether it was part of the fraud for 'fake residence' i.e Montreal, Mississauga, Halifax. CIC are scrutinizing applications more closely and issuing RQs based on a risk factor profile. If you are concerned about the processing time then decide if Citizenship is important for you and either return to Canada or take your chances with the 14 month buffer you have.