I have just came back in Nov 2017 for 2 months from Europe within the schengen area. Yes Germany does accept RTD without PR card as long as you are staying up to 3 months with a return ticket no questions ask. Now once you have entered Germany since they are part of Shengen automatically once they stamp your RTD they give you access to the schengen area. I went to Paris Portugal Netherlands Belgium. By the way I do that 2 months once a year since 2 years now no problem. Tips: just remember to tell them that your final destination is Germany any city in there cause I have remember once I told them my final destination was Spain and they did not like the fact that I used their entry to go to another country even though they still let me in but they clearly made me understood that you must not go to other places cause of terrorism since it is on their schengen visa that you are travelling abroad. Bottom line don't mention if you plan to go to other places in Europe to avoid too many questions and complications. I took the train up to Bruxelles and from there I was able to fly to Portugal, Paris, Barcelone also cleared custom with the German stamp on my RTD no questions ask they just checked to see if I had a schengen visa and of course since Germany is part of scheguen and my main entrance was there everything was all good and came back to Canada no problem at all I did several times. So if you are going to Netherlands you know what to do just remember to tell them in case if they ask you "what's your final destination" to respond iHi guys, I just applied for a Refugee Travel Document and planning to see my sister after years in Netherlands. I am a protected person and I don't have my pr card yet. Do I need a visa to visit Netherlands or are there any Europe countries which do not require a visa ? Some people say Germany does not require a visa if you have a Canada Refugee travel document if so, Other schengen countries souldn not require either there is no border between countries in Europe . Thanks for all the replies.