As CDNPR2014 has stated that should be okay. But depends how busy they are.
Just remember that you'll need to go through customs as well and re-check your luggage.
Land -> Immigration and PR landing -> Customs entry -> Collect luggage -> Customs clearance (hand over the stamped paper to the person waiting) -> Domestic Connections (re-check luggage).
Even if it's the same airline, you have to roll your luggage through customs before the domestic connection. If for any reason it doesn't turn up, make sure you speak to the airline to file it (and give this form to customs) before getting your connecting flight.
If you can, get a seat closer to the front of the plane (well, the door, not always the actual front, normally right behind business and ahead of premium economy of a widebody). Earlier you can get out the better really, beat the rush to customs.
One more tip, just ask them what to put for the visitor/resident part when you get there. My guy was a real piece of work about that, made me write in 1095 days (3 year permit on entry) despite it being a 3 digit box. Since then they consider you a resident... but I'm not sure what you put on a PR landing, but didn't want this to take you by surprise if not used to the customs form.