I wouldn't use the word 'easy'.
Those are the kind of jobs students are always looking for. Sometimes they are too many applicants for it. Tim Hortons is great at hiring students by the way.
Just in case it boils down to too many applicants for the same job here is an extra tip.
I think it really depends on the need and what you bring to the table.
If you get a car it can increase your chances of getting some good part time jobs. For example, pizza delivery. Apart from the hourly rate you get, you can also earn some good tips especially on weekends.
Some grocery stores employ people to stock their shelves overnight. That job really needs a vehicle because of the odd work time (11pm - 5am). E.g superstore and walmart.
Some good jobs require a car and that is where you may be able to beat alot of job seekers to it. Especially in cases where there are too many applicants.
Another job you could apply for is campus security patrol.
You will have the opportunity to look around once you arrive.
If you can arrive 2 weeks before your classes begin then you will have the opportunity of going around to hand in resumes in all kinds of places.
By the way, you don't need an expensive car. There should be something on Kijiji for just under $3000 CAD.
keshvi said:
Thanks for the help! Is it easy to fetch a normal part time job say for example as a salesperson in some store or maybe a job at a local cafe??