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Enquiries on filling up the IMM5257, IMM5707/ IMM5645


Feb 2, 2015
Hi all,
I'm first time on applying visa, so I'm quite confuse on all the field to be completed. I am planning to bring my parents to visit to
Canada on this coming Aug and I'll also representing them to do the submission of documents as well. So there's part in the IMM5257 while I'm filling up for my parents which is "Country of applying", because my parents are currently staying in Brunei while myself is in Singapore processing all the application online, can I know which country I should put on my parents' individual application form??

And on the IMM5707/ IMM5645, do I need to tick YES on the applicant column?? And a slightly stupid question, do we still need to tick if my grandparents are already deceased?? :-\ :-\

And lastly do we need to sign physically on the forms, which I mean print, sign and scan in again??

Think currently these are my problems, hope to hear some answer soon~~!! Thank you~~ ;) ;)


Mar 3, 2014
Sorry for the late reply - I'm just coming across this topic now.

I'm not sure exactly what column you are referring too about application column on the IMM 5645 or the country that you should put on the IMM5257, but I think a good rule of thumb is only to answer the information they are asking for. If they ask your parent's country of residence on the form, then indicate what is truthful and accurate, regardless of what your information is.

I don't believe that either of those forms actually require information about your grandparents - unless it is the sole application for your mother/father (in which case, if they are deceased, you put the City and date in the space of permanent address: eg. Calgary, d. June 13, 2014). For your application form, they just want to know mother, father, spouse and siblings (including half-siblings and step-siblings).

Finally, yes, you do need to print out the forms, sign and scan.

Best of luck!