Hello there Jen. You are on this website a lot and so you are the person to ask the following i believe.
Im applying in a few weeks for CEC. I believe I have enough work experience. I worked from August 2009 to September 2011 in a managerial role, then very part time in a call centre between October and DEcember 2011. I have around 47 pay periods (bi weekly) that are 80 hours or more, however the other bi-weeklies that are less than 75 hours add up to an equivalent of about 14 weeks when divided by 37.5. So i think and hope that im okay there.
My question is: befoer New Years Day 2012 the document checklist requested ROEs. So i got one from the employer who had me for 25 months. Now, their letter of reference states that i worked for 40 hours a week throughout the whole period of my employment there. Its not strictly true, as in the first 5 months there i had some pay periods where i did 71.5 hours for example, some 76. Throughout every pay period for 2010 i had 80 hours bi weekly, and in 2011 i had every pay period 80 hours until near the end of my stay, when it went to 74, 74 and then 55.5 for the end of my time there. My former employer has in any case provided another letter detailing exactly these hours that i worked, as the ROE only covers my last year. Its clearly a little different from the Letter of reference he gave me, but does it really matter? That he wrote '40 hours a week throughout the whole period of his employment' if hes also provided exact hours even if theyre a little less than 40 hours in some cases? i mean the informations all there, i just dont want to looked down on for lying.
SEcondly. Document checklist has changed since Jan 2md 2012. It doesnt even ask for ROEs now. I see that you are a big one for not handing in things they havent asked for. But is there a chance that they may ask for ROE later? I would rather hand it all in now, ROE and all, although if theres a good chance that the Letter of reference will be more than enough, maybe its worth doing that so that there isnt a discrepancy there? Im not sure. What do you think? I have no other proof of hours worked except ROE and letter from former employer who has had it all typed out.