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Employment details and Police Verification Certificates

S abhishek

Star Member
Jan 19, 2018

I am filling up the questionnaire and need some inputs and guidance in 3 things:

1. Employment Record: From current employer how can I ask for a work experience certificate as I am yet to inform them about my plans to move. Is there any alternatives?

2. For past work experiences, only a basic Work Experience Certificate with period of work, designation and roles & responsibility will do or we need salary details too.

3. Apart from Working in India, i have worked for 10 months in Nigeria. Do I have to get a Police clearance certificate from Nigeria? If yes, can anyone guide me on how to get it?



Hero Member
May 30, 2017
For 1, i had a similar situation. I just gave a generic exp letter with hours, designation, salary etc and a copy of PERM approval (which had job duties). I had explained this in LoE as to why asking job responsibilities directly from my employer could affect bonus, raise (being on H1) etc. I did the same for PNP. It seemed to have worked. My score didn't change and i had 10+ years of exp, so i was hoping they would discount the exp in the worst case.