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Embassy at home country have authority to reject pr


Full Member
Feb 9, 2013
I landed on 5 feb 2013 and planning to go back soon. If pr cards come that is good enough , we will get them from courier or if someone is coming to home country he or she will carry for us. But if pr cards will not come and cic will call us on to come and sign again or to take your pr card yourself physically. Then what ? And another question is can the Canadian embassy at my home country reject my pr by not giving me the travel document


VIP Member
Nov 11, 2008
Job Offer........
Then you can always drive to the Canadian border from US, if you have a US visa.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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You can't be denied a travel document if you meet the residency obligation and it is not possible for you to be in breach of the residency obligation until you have been a PR for at least 3 years so if you are a new PR, they would have to give you a travel document.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
Yes, in a year, you are year outside Canada and still have 4 years left to meet your 2 year residency requirements so they will give you a travel document.


Jan 14, 2011
Yes they can and it happend with my son

Mainly they should provide you with travel doc to return canada based on the confirmation of landing doc and other doc's and the period outside canada should not exceeds 5 years from day of landing
but they might make misjudgment ... depends how much the Embassy-CIC officer wareness of the law
the problem y have no chance to contact the CIC in canada by telephone while being abrad nor way to complain
the toll free is provided for people in canada not outside

if they reject y'r application then you have o make a appeal to the IAP (Immigration Appeal Division) within 60 Days from day yr application is rejected

THE AIP are quite realistick and professional but it takes long time from them to process your application ... it might takes 18 months

If y'r interested to learn reade the bellow

I left canada after landing in one month, I called the CIC and after verifing my name with them ... they say yes y can leave canada with reciving yr PR Cards ... and clearly mentioned that I have to apply fro Temporary travel Doc to get back from a candian Embassy where i live

what happens .. all the family had recived their PR (send to us by Courrier via my relative who had recived them by mail) except my son who was 21 years old ...
they send a request after 3 months saying that the photo do not meet requirment ( I think they mad that with intention to verfiy who is staying in canada) despite I had called them and asked them offically that I need to leave prior to the PR Cards ... those pepole work separately

What happend he applied fro TRD (Tempoaray Travel Doc) to the emabbasy and book a air ticket to canda

The CIC officer at the emabssy tooks 30 days to verfiy ... He asked so many Q's and requested many Doc's .. finally he shift the case to an investigation ... whethere his family are in canada or abroad

It was non sensence ... the immigration law (OP 10) allow y to stay out side canada 3 years even if y leave after the day y land
the important that y maintain a residency (accumulated) of 2 Years to enable y to renew yr PRC

what happens he refused the Application for TRAVEL Doc ... claiming that my son did not meet the residency requirments of being 760 days in canada ... (they do not read the law as required rather that deal with case as it is ... they shift to investigation

My son lost the air ticket and Appliead for an Apeal to Immigration Apeal Division ... they had requested many details back and forth and it takes 18 monthes or more to get final decision ... my son win the appeal and the decsion made by the embassy-immigration officer was false ... simply he do not read ... most of them are the same

based on the appeal decision; the emabassy issued the the Tempoaray visa on his passport (with no appology) he went to canada and produce his PR card .. the immigration extended his residency period staring from day of issuing his PR Card

Best wishes