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Email from CIC that PR card renewal needs secondary review


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
The key query:

"How to proceed with that if the person is out of canada due to humanitarian case"

There really is only one way to proceed: apply for a PR Travel Document. If short of complying with the PR Residency Obligation, make the best case you can for keeping your PR based on H&C reasons. The sooner this is done, the better the odds (but the odds still may not be very good). On the other hand, obviously this should not be done until the PR is actually ready to return to Canada.

Some have the option of returning to Canada via the U.S., without having to apply for a PR TD. Again, the sooner the better. Again be ready to make the H&C case at the PoE.

Beyond that:

rbrar14 said:
If the pr renewal has gone in SR, they ask for more info second time about RO but u cant send it because ur out of canada. They make a decision based on whatever info they have ALREADY if resulting in loss of residence, can a person still apply for pr? What would the options be for a person out of canada who is a pr? Please someone provide a specific answer to this.
rbrar14 said:
I meant, can a person still apply for pr renewal? Will the appeal be only option? How to proceed with that if the person is out of canada due to humanitarian case
We see rather few reports about a PR card application being "denied," as such, but some. More often it appears that applications are deemed abandoned.

There is a difference.

If the application is denied, my sense is that the PR needs to appeal or PR status will be lost (this is in significant part derived from a solitary Federal Court decision in which a PR abroad appealed and lost, in which the procedure was outlined in more detail than seen in most cases).

If the PR card application is deemed abandoned, it has no direct effect on the PR's status. The PR can subsequently make another application. Obviously information gathered from the earlier, abandoned application, will be considered in assessing the new application.

Related posts from another topic:

rbrar14 said:
Okay and would cic know the person whos pr they are mailing is outside canada ?

rbrar14 said:
what are the chances of them knowing the person is outside canada? how could they tell if the person is not in canada?

rbrar14 said:
Well no. I did not lie in question 12 on page 1 about my current residential addres. Since I did not lie, how can they know or tell If I am in canada or not ?
Let's be clear: if you are not actually living at the address you have given IRCC as your residential address, that constitutes misrepresentation. I tend to avoid terms like "lying" because such terms bear moral implications and are more about honesty than accuracy.

What is important is the obligation to provide accurate information, and the extent to which the information a person has provided is or is not accurate (reason for the inaccuracy can be important; for example, a deliberate effort to mislead is far worse, but the tipping point is whether information provided is accurate or not, which can be discussed without characterizing motives).

Leading to a caution (perhaps an unwelcome caution):

A PR who is residing at a different address, one different from that which the PR has reported to IRCC, is making a misrepresentation, at minimum a misrepresentation by omission.

Note that in the application the PR's signature verifies the truthfulness of the residential address declared and verifies that the PR will notify IRCC if any information changes. It is thus a misrepresentation by omission to not properly notify IRCC of the PR's proper current residential address.

Secondary Review usually derives from some suspicion of misrepresentation (typically the SR is only indirectly, if at all, about the PR Residency Obligation). Not a good idea for someone who is the subject of a fraud inquiry to engage in making a misrepresentation, even by omission, while that inquiry is in process.

How does IRCC know? Maybe they don't. But the odds are they do or will.

"How" does not really make any difference. What makes a difference is if, in the particular case, they do.

So the important question is not "how," but simply "does IRCC know?"

And anyone but a fool knows how this hand plays: taking any approach other than assuming that IRCC either does know or will know is a bad idea, is playing against the odds.

Sure, we see anecdotal reports claiming success. More often we see no follow-up reports and it is easy to guess how things went for many if not most of those. Moreover, my sense is that at least a few so-called success-reports are wanting for credibility.

The PR abroad with a PR card application in SR would be well-advised to return to Canada as soon as feasible. Most in this situation do not have a currently valid PR card, so will need to apply for a PR Travel Document. To a significant extent, that is what IRCC wants to force such PRs into doing.

Overall, Make No Mistake: IRCC does not make it easy for a PR to live abroad for extended periods of time and keep PR status. The reason for this should need no explanation.


Star Member
Jul 21, 2016
What do you exactly mean by "dofferent address"? Are you referring it to as an address in another country or in canada?


Star Member
Oct 21, 2016
I received the same error today when I tried to check my status online.

I called IRCC and they said it's technical issue.


Dec 8, 2016
kwtangerine said:
When I logged in today, the eCAS shows less info than before.. strange.. It used to show 4 lines, now it's only showing 1 line:

We received your application for a permanent resident card on October 5, 2015.
Same is the case with me although they received my application on Oct 31, 2016. eCAS was showing three lines earlier which included date they received application, the date they sent me confirmation and the date they started processing. Now it is showing only one line which says that they received my application on Oct. 31, 2016.
Anybody whose application has gone into secondary review let me know when they received email for additional information. I am not sure whether my application has gone into secondary review but I have also not received any email from them to provide any additional information.


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
rbrar14 said:
What do you exactly mean by "dofferent address"? Are you referring it to as an address in another country or in canada?
The temptation is to ask "what difference would that make?"

In any event, I assume this question is about the following statement:

"A PR who is residing at a different address, one different from that which the PR has reported to IRCC, is making a misrepresentation, at minimum a misrepresentation by omission."

Let's be clear, the obligation is to report accurate information to IRCC, and the applicant for a new PR card affirms the accuracy of the information in the application, and affirms he or she will notify IRCC if any of that information changes.

This is not like using an address other than the address where one actually lives, as one's home address, for a business transaction, which many often do.

IRCC expects the applicant to report the actual address where the PR physically lives. That is a material fact.

I could have answered this query very simply: different is different, and reporting a fact different from the actual fact constitutes a misrepresentation of the facts.

No advanced degrees in bio-physics or political science necessary.

I get the sense, however, that there is more than a little reluctance to acknowledge the import and impact of fudging the facts. Not just you, but in general. I get the sense that many if not most feel they can use almost any address as the place where they "reside" so long as who does reside there allows or facilitates this. I get the sense that this derives from the apparent fact that this is so commonly done, without problems, that many think it is actually OK to do this. And in many contexts it is practically OK (even if technically not). And in many contexts, most if not nearly everyone who does this has no problem.

So, anyway, of course it is a misrepresentation to report to IRCC the address for where you live that is different from where you actually live . . . even if in the same city. Different is different, and thus different is not the truth, but is misrepresentation.

What practical difference that makes, however, VARIES from case to case, situation to situation.

Which brings this back around to those bogged down in SECONDARY REVIEW.

Those bogged down in Secondary Review, most of them anyway, are already the target of suspicion, that means their facts are going to be scrutinized more thoroughly, more closely, more skeptically. That means there is a far larger risk that IRCC will identify and focus on things like indications a PR is not actually residing at the address the PR has reported to be his or her place of residence.

And for the PR who is residing abroad, sure, that is a difference which is very likely to make a big difference . . . subject, as your other queries allude, to whether or not IRCC knows. And as I previously alluded, IRCC might not know. Odds are, however, they either do know or will. And otherwise, the situation is what it is, and for a PR abroad who is currently not in compliance with the PR Residency Obligation, who thus would likely be denied a PR Travel Document, yes, the situation is problematic.

Some will wait for the SR to reach a conclusion and see how that goes. We have seen reports of PR cards being mailed to such PRs, and thus someone at the address the card is mailed to can, in one way or another, deliver the card to the PR, including one abroad. My sense is that for those PRs abroad and in SR, this is not the usual result.

The practical course for a PR abroad, bogged down in SR, and without a valid PR card, is to get back to Canada as soon as feasible, which for a PR not currently in compliance with the PR RO means applying for a PR TD based on H&C reasons. Or otherwise traveling to Canada via the U.S. There is NO guarantee of success, no guarantee of saving one's PR status. But the sooner the effort is made to return to Canada, the better chance there is of succeeding (even though those chances might not be very good at all).


Star Member
Apr 9, 2016
jnasarat said:
I've seen the same issue yesterday. I called them, she said they face some issues with their computer system.
Chrome said:
I received the same error today when I tried to check my status online.

I called IRCC and they said it's technical issue.
Did they tell u by when it will be fixed and did you ask them about your application status ?


Star Member
Jun 6, 2015
Hi everyone

Need some advice and information about pr card renewal. Why is secondary review done? Is it because a person was unemployed for longer periods of time or they travelled alot outside of canada.

What additional documents if any should i send apart from the document checklist to avoid secondary review and give further detail proof of me being present here.Any advice will be very helpful.

Thank you


Star Member
Oct 21, 2016
vop said:
Did they tell u by when it will be fixed and did you ask them about your application status ?
The agent who answered me was not very helpful. He said we don't do technical support, but we can send you instructions on what to do with the technical issues. I guessed it's just some general instructions so I said thank you!
When I asked about my application status he said they would contact me if there was any update.
He kept saying that there is no time frame for the secondary review and I just have to wait.


Star Member
Oct 21, 2016
Today I made a case-specific enquiry to report the same technical problem.
They should respond in 10 business days.


Feb 17, 2016
I made a specific inquiry ten days ago asking them how long will I have to wait for my pr card(SecRvw) to be completed. Just got their reply telling me only that YOUR CARD HAS BEEN SENT FOR PRODUCTION! 13 months now and maybe have to wait 5 more months for card production :( Does anybody recieved this kind of reply after making a specific inquiry? I still don't have access on ecas since last tuesday.


Star Member
Oct 21, 2016
Congratulations Brent!

Sent for production means it's been approved. You may receive it in a week or so.

We have a similar timeline. I hope mine will be approved soon.


Feb 17, 2016
Really Chrome? I hope you're right. I wish they will send us all sec rvw a notification that our status has been completed/approved before the year ends. It would be one of the best gift this season.


Star Member
Jun 6, 2015
Chrome said:
The agent who answered me was not very helpful. He said we don't do technical support, but we can send you instructions on what to do with the technical issues. I guessed it's just some general instructions so I said thank you!
When I asked about my application status he said they would contact me if there was any update.
He kept saying that there is no time frame for the secondary review and I just have to wait.
Hi everyone

Need some advice and information about pr card renewal. Why is secondary review done? Is it because a person was unemployed for longer periods of time or they travelled alot outside of canada.

What additional documents if any should i send apart from the document checklist to avoid secondary review and give further detail proof of me being present here.Any advice will be very helpful.

Thank you



Hero Member
Apr 17, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
According to so many posts here no of days is not only the main criteria for going to secondary review ,it has to do with so many other factors which we may not be sure. From our side try including health reports,cbsa reports, copies of passports all pages and leave fate to cic hoping that we or our previous employers or current employer ,countries we visited before had never made any mistakes