Of course no province wants to accept more asylum seekers especially given existing shelters are full. It is very expensive to provide for asylum seekers if they apply for welfare, stay in shelters and use legal aid. With such an increase number of asylum seekers entering Canada we return back to a time where legal aid were much more selective of what cases they took on and only funding initial applications for most people and not appeals or subsequent applications. Toronto had to rent out a hotel using property taxes for asylum seekers because existing shelters were full. When tax rates go up, TTC fares increase, local programs go unfounded, etc. most of the Toronto population questions why we are paying to shelter asylum seekers in hotels if they have shown that they have access to assets in visa/permit applications, have work permits,etc. If you got a travel visa to the US or Canada you had to declare funds so many arriving had to show proof of assets. To access welfare or most disability programs as a Canadian you have to prove that you have minimal savings and assets. Canadians are willing to help those who are truly a desperate situation and have no assets but are not happy to use our tax dollars sheltering people for free and giving out welfare while they spend their own money paying for housing, food, taxes, etc. if people do have their own assets. They expect any form of newcomer to do their part. Working as soon as possible, using their own savings first, etc. just like Canadians are expected to do. Many Canadians are barely surviving inflation but don’t have access to free shelter, both parents need to work, etc. and don’t have any hidden assets. There are asylum seekers who do the right thing and use their savings to support themselves while waiting for a work permit or stay with family even if the situations are not ideal but you are actually encouraging people to take advantage of the Canadian generosity and not be honest about your assets which is incredibly troubling and disappointing.