Currently, I'm in the prosses of finishing all of my documents to start the application to bring my husband to Canada. T
The only things we have left to gather is proof of our relationship. Unfortunately we have lost our past conversations from 2007 and have some conversations only from about 2 months before we got married.
I lived with him for a year in Egypt, and we have no proof of that. The way I left, I took a round trip ticket, which shows I came, but could have left. My passport does have stamps but the dates are faded. We dont have much to show becuase I had a job even though my 3 year visa to egypt stated, I can't work. Also I lived with his parents so we never paid rent.
The way we are showing we lived together and that his friends and parents knew about our relationship is doing something called an Affidavid, or Statlatory Declaration. Something written, its a legal document that gets commisioned or notarized to proove the words written on the document is real. Are true, are authentic, like someone is taking an oath.
His mom, father, friends have written them now its time to get them notarized or commisioned.
Now I have no idea how to do this. We did this for my marriage, we wrote one for the Canadian Embassy, they asked us to ... to say that I have never married and I'm not married.
So now I'm trying to do these affidavids/ declarations. But we have no idea how to notarize or commision them. He went toa place called the nodary office in Alexandria and he said he cant do it. My husband lives in Egypt Alexandria. Can anyone help me to find how to do this place. So that I can have my husband here with me
its been almost a full year 
Currently, I'm in the prosses of finishing all of my documents to start the application to bring my husband to Canada. T
The only things we have left to gather is proof of our relationship. Unfortunately we have lost our past conversations from 2007 and have some conversations only from about 2 months before we got married.
I lived with him for a year in Egypt, and we have no proof of that. The way I left, I took a round trip ticket, which shows I came, but could have left. My passport does have stamps but the dates are faded. We dont have much to show becuase I had a job even though my 3 year visa to egypt stated, I can't work. Also I lived with his parents so we never paid rent.
The way we are showing we lived together and that his friends and parents knew about our relationship is doing something called an Affidavid, or Statlatory Declaration. Something written, its a legal document that gets commisioned or notarized to proove the words written on the document is real. Are true, are authentic, like someone is taking an oath.
His mom, father, friends have written them now its time to get them notarized or commisioned.
Now I have no idea how to do this. We did this for my marriage, we wrote one for the Canadian Embassy, they asked us to ... to say that I have never married and I'm not married.
So now I'm trying to do these affidavids/ declarations. But we have no idea how to notarize or commision them. He went toa place called the nodary office in Alexandria and he said he cant do it. My husband lives in Egypt Alexandria. Can anyone help me to find how to do this place. So that I can have my husband here with me