WES has a improper disposition towards Indian PG programs, and especially with UG program.
If articles written by Chief Knowledge Officer & Senior Director of Strategic Development of WES is carefully analyzed, It could be seen.
Not everyone in India, is able to afford a 4yr UG Degree, Hence to level the field a common 3yr Program is opted, which in itself is sufficient. There are people all over the world who've completed such programs and are doing good, in socio-economic aspects. An additional 1yr PG Diploma (Graduate level diploma) is provided for those who want to specialize or contribute better to the society and field of work, Its just an option. But PG program, is something which different in its own, Syllabus are almost competitive to that of the market needs and for elegance - Degrading that into a UG Course work or Diminishing its value and is a shameful approach and practice from an anti-oppressive policy, and it disfigures the entitlement and credibility of the program beyond distinguishable.
What India has done with the UG Program was, thinking out of the box method. It is essential to remember Gopalswamy Doraiswamy Naidu, Edison of India, Educationist's disappointment with the excessive and unthoughtful structure of foreign degrees. While browsing through the above mentioned WES person's articles and experiences of many with WES ECA, it could be clearly understood the strong arm actions of the person to degrade Indian education system, and the unquenchable want to privatize Indian Education System, without being under the radar of any Agencies. He is widely supportive of private universities that gain good profit or of bigger conglomerates. True, the quality of services and red tape is there in Indian Central and State Universities, but it is changing an active committee is their under the each governors to make the happenings more secure and creative and above all what it offers apart from quality education is stability (rolling stone gathers no moss, In this case expertise and unified dedication to the subject) in programs,and credibility. Nowadays, It is being a trend in the Americas where Indians/Asians turn against themselves (It is O.K if its for fighting against injustice), but unnecessary preying isn't a good sign, they think it shows some sort of better quality in them (Actually people are laughing and some enjoy the controversies); In reality what it is farmyard fight between animals (Some might understand, what i meant).
If WES is unable/cant identify Indian Education Programs to its Value, It is a better option for them to have the advisory opinion "two or more Canadian post-secondary degrees or diplomas or equal"
Defamatory charges, Online petition are all methods to move against this unjust practice.