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education and experience does not macth


Jan 22, 2011
Dear Gurus,

Here is my background

I have BE IT 4 yrs course from Nepal

I have completed my MBA in 2010 in USA.

I have one full year work experience as business consultant and 2 years of work experience as Restaurant Manager/ Network Admn.

I am planning to apply as Internet cafe manager.

All these experience is between my bachelors and masters back in my country.

I have 7 band in ielts.

My wife has MBA.

I did the assessment and got 71 points.

I have collected all the documents. But i am afraid my application will be rejected because i dont have hotel management course or diploma.

Should i apply now for the category now 0631 Restaurant and Food Service Managers or should i wait till JUly 2011 and apply for with my management experience.

But i am not sure that in 2011, the management category will be removed or not.

Can you please help me.



Champion Member
Jan 17, 2011
Visa Office......
Oct 2011
Hi Sanz,

You pointed out your main issue. 0631 requires you have a degree in hospitality. HRSDC requires: "Completion of a college or other program related to hospitality or food and beverage service management is usually required.
Several years of experience in the food service sector, including supervisory experience, are required."

if you apply under this NOC, the chance is higher for your application to be rejected.

I tend to agree that you wait till 26 June 2011 to apply again under 1122 that fits your education and experience.

Have you tried your spouse chance of being the principal applicant?



Jan 22, 2011

My spouse has not given IELTS.

She is planning to give it on march.

i am confused whether i should aplpy this monday or not as the cap is increasing...


Champion Member
Jan 17, 2011
Visa Office......
Oct 2011
If your wife chances for NOC comparability is higher than yours, then let her go for IELTS and become the principal applicant. Weight the risks and go ahead.


Star Member
Jun 23, 2008
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
well I have correct you one thing If you read Op6 that
6. Definitions
6.1. National Occupation Classification (NOC)
The NOC is the official governmental classification system of occupations in the Canadian
economy. It describes duties, skills, aptitudes, and work settings for occupations in the Canadian
labour market.
Note: For the purposes of skilled worker applications, the ‖Employment Requirements‖ listed in the
description of each occupation are not applicable [refer to R80(3)].

Note: While the Regulations clearly place responsibility on applicants to undertake research of the NOC
and provide the NOC coding for the occupations in which they claim qualifying experience, officers are
expected to exercise discretion where applicants may have made minor errors or omissions in
correlating work experience and NOC coding.
not take into account whether the applicant meets the ―Employment requirements‖ description
set forth in the NOC for the occupation(s) listed (R80(3));

you can apply as far your experience can be verified its ok.

Dear Gurus,

Here is my background

I have BE IT 4 yrs course from Nepal

I have completed my MBA in 2010 in USA.

I have one full year work experience as business consultant and 2 years of work experience as Restaurant Manager/ Network Admn.

I am planning to apply as Internet cafe manager.

All these experience is between my bachelors and masters back in my country.

I have 7 band in ielts.

My wife has MBA.

I did the assessment and got 71 points.

I have collected all the documents. But i am afraid my application will be rejected because i dont have hotel management course or diploma.

Should i apply now for the category now 0631 Restaurant and Food Service Managers or should i wait till JUly 2011 and apply for with my management experience.

But i am not sure that in 2011, the management category will be removed or not.

Can you please help me.




Jan 22, 2011
Where did you find this document. Could you please give me the link.

I am still in dilemma if i should send my form this monday



Jan 22, 2011
Also taken from the NOC:
While some occupations have very specific employment requirements, others have a wide range of acceptable requirements. The following terminology is used to indicate the level of the requirement:
"Is required" indicates a definite requirement.
"Is usually required" means that the qualification is generally expressed as required by a majority of employers, but not always mandatory.
"May be required" describes requirements that some employers may impose, but are not universal.

Qualities related to personal suitability that may have an impact on employability are not described in this publication. These factors are subjective and determined by employers and assessed during the hiring process.

In your case for NOC 0631 - "Is usually required"


Champion Member
Jan 17, 2011
Visa Office......
Oct 2011
Here is the link,


I think Ali786leo opinion makes sence, you can try your luck, and use thus guide as a basis to support your case later if needed.



Star Member
Jun 23, 2008
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
Hello I will correct you one thing in this noc 0631
See the employment requirment
Employment requirements

* Completion of a college or other program related to hospitality or food and beverage service management is usually required.

* Several years of experience in the food service sector, including supervisory experience, are required.

See if you see in this case they are asking for serval year of food sector experience as well

but if you read OP6 you can see it is cleary written that

Note: For the purposes of skilled worker applications, the ‖Employment Requirements‖ listed in the
description of each occupation are not applicable [refer to R80(3)].

not take into account whether the applicant meets the ―Employment requirements‖ description
set forth in the NOC for the occupation(s) listed (R80(3));

In my case I have done my bachelor and master In IT sector now I am working as Electro Mechnical Maintaince Supervisor

before that I have experience in management and IT.

as far your work experience is geniue and verfired you can apply and I hope visa office will not take that your education matches with your NOC

Also taken from the NOC:
While some occupations have very specific employment requirements, others have a wide range of acceptable requirements. The following terminology is used to indicate the level of the requirement:
"Is required" indicates a definite requirement.
"Is usually required" means that the qualification is generally expressed as required by a majority of employers, but not always mandatory.
"May be required" describes requirements that some employers may impose, but are not universal.

Qualities related to personal suitability that may have an impact on employability are not described in this publication. These factors are subjective and determined by employers and assessed during the hiring process.

In your case for NOC 0631 - "Is usually required"


Hero Member
Apr 20, 2010
ali786leo said:
Hello I will correct you one thing in this noc 0631
See the employment requirment
Employment requirements

* Completion of a college or other program related to hospitality or food and beverage service management is usually required.

* Several years of experience in the food service sector, including supervisory experience, are required.

See if you see in this case they are asking for serval year of food sector experience as well

but if you read OP6 you can see it is cleary written that

Note: For the purposes of skilled worker applications, the ‖Employment Requirements‖ listed in the
description of each occupation are not applicable [refer to R80(3)].

not take into account whether the applicant meets the ―Employment requirements‖ description
set forth in the NOC for the occupation(s) listed (R80(3));

In my case I have done my bachelor and master In IT sector now I am working as Electro Mechnical Maintaince Supervisor

before that I have experience in management and IT.

as far your work experience is geniue and verfired you can apply and I hope visa office will not take that your education matches with your NOC

Also taken from the NOC:
While some occupations have very specific employment requirements, others have a wide range of acceptable requirements. The following terminology is used to indicate the level of the requirement:
"Is required" indicates a definite requirement.
"Is usually required" means that the qualification is generally expressed as required by a majority of employers, but not always mandatory.
"May be required" describes requirements that some employers may impose, but are not universal.

Qualities related to personal suitability that may have an impact on employability are not described in this publication. These factors are subjective and determined by employers and assessed during the hiring process.

In your case for NOC 0631 - "Is usually required"
Dear Qorax,
I have got my PR(fsw1) visa in NOC 1111.Acount.(PG commerce)
i also have diploma certificate of electrical engineering from my home country .(10+3) which i have not mentioned in my application because it was not necessary for NOC1111.

now i came to know that to get employment in NOC1111 is tougher than the electrical engineering(Industrial electrician, or elec. engineer/// i am also interested to work in electrical. field because i can start my own business in this field in future)

if i want to change my profession and want to get license (P.Eng in Ontario)
will it be problematic(to both licensing body and CIC ) for me to apply for a P.engineer as i have got my visa on NOC1111 accountant?

because i can fetch the job easily as a P.Eng. than an accountant.

In put from all member are invited here.


VIP Member
Mar 22, 2010
bnimsim: Once you have your PR and move to Canada, no one is going to mind what profession you choose as long as you are qualified. The NOC 29 is the list of occupations that Canada has identified as "in need of workers" and for that reason most likely to provide employment to those with proven ability in those fields. If you met all the requirements of FSW1 and emigrated I don't think there would be any objection from CIC where you work upon arrival. Good luck and happy job hunting!


Feb 4, 2011
If i have to assess you qualification, here is the result.

Age = 10
Education = 22 (not all with MA were given 25 points since you must meet AND at least 17 years of continuous study)
Language = 7 (strongly recommend you retake the GT IELTS exam)
Experience = 17 (counted only the 2 years related to restaurant management)
Spouse = 4
TOTAL: 60points

As stated in the OP6, you do not need to meet the employment requirements of the NOC to which you are qualified. Hence, its juts a matter whether you have the duties related to this eligible occupation but you cannot add up experience from different NOC in your case NOC for the Restaurant manager and NOC as a Business Consultant.