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ECA Transcripts from Public schools in Mexico.

Karla Meza

Mar 24, 2022
I graduated in 2012 so I don’t see a problem on that, they should have your transcripts.

What I did is contacted my school services that are in charge of that. It took me a while to find which department do that, because the UNAM has many offices for each process.
Then I asked them what do I need to do for them to send my transcripts to WES. They told me that they can send my transcripts but without translations because they don’t do that (which I still don’t understand why if there are UNAM buildings all around the world).
So they said that in order for them to send the documents I needed, with translations, first I have to request my documents in Spanish, pick them up, take them to an official translator and have them translate, bring them back to my institution so they can check them and put their seal on the envelope and send it to WES directly. (everything with the help of my parents that are in Mexico).
So I did that and everything went well.

I believe WES also gives you the option to send the documents in Spanish, in a sealed envelope from your institution and in a separate envelope the translations. But because I didn’t want to risk loose one of the two envelopes in the mail, and because I thought it would be confusing, I decided to send everything in one single envelope with the help of my institution.

So if I did it, I’m pretty sure you can too.

Let me know if you have any more doubts!
Hello, I would like to know which one was the department where you obtained your transcript, I studied in Faculty Chemistry, and I'm not sure who do I have to ask for it. Think is in TRAMITEL, but all the info on the website is confusing and I'm not in Mexico to go and directly ask.
Thank you for all the info you could share. :)

Karla Meza

Mar 24, 2022
Hola me gustaria saber si a usted le respondieron en este numero telefonico o como fue posible que realizara su tramite. Yo intente en los siguientes numeros cientos de veces y nunca entra la llamada :( - 56225513 , 56228222 , 56225999 ext 81358 de lunes a viernes de 9 a 17:30, porfavor si sabe algo para poder realizar mi tramite se lo agradeceria bastante
Hola Emiliano, lograste contactarte con Tramitel? Alguien sabe si el transcript que piden para WES es el mismo que piden las universidades?
Gracias por la información que puedan darme!
Buen día a todos! :)
Feb 2, 2022
Hola Emiliano, lograste contactarte con Tramitel? Alguien sabe si el transcript que piden para WES es el mismo que piden las universidades?
Gracias por la información que puedan darme!
Buen día a todos! :)
Hola Karla, hasta la fecha no he podido ponerme en contacto con la UNAM estoy pensando en enviar a un familiar a preguntar en las oficinas de la DGAE directamente porque a mi no me contestan correos, ni llamadas. Hasta donde yo se el transcript lo pueden hacer traductores certificados, a mi me recomendo un amigo que estudio en el Poli, la empresa se llama ELAN y queda en la ciudad de Mexico (te pueden enviar los transcripts en digital y a tu correo tradicional a cualquier parte de la republica) yo asi le hice :/ A ti como te ha ido con tu tramite? Saludos!